active-directory-dotnet-native-desktop icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
active-directory-dotnet-native-desktop copied to clipboard

A .NET 4.5 WPF application that authenticates a user and calls web API using Azure AD and OAuth 2.0 access tokens.

services: active-directory platforms: dotnet author: jmprieur level: 200 client: .NET Desktop (Console) service: ASP.NET Web API endpoint: AAD V1

Integrating Azure AD into a Windows desktop application using interactive authentication

There's a newer version of this sample taking advantage of the Microsoft identity platform (formerly Azure AD v2.0) and MSAL.NET.

Check it out:

If you really need to access this Azure AD v1.0 | ADAL.NET sample, you can navigate to the master branch, but please know that it's no longer supported.