Simple faction plugin replacing FactionsPro which is no longer updated.
Command Name |
Command Description |
Available for |
/f help |
Faction help menu. |
everyone |
/f create |
Create a faction. |
everyone |
/f info |
Get information of a faction. |
everyone |
/f who |
Get information of a player's faction. |
everyone |
/f accept |
Accept a faction invitation. |
everyone |
/f deny |
Deny a faction invitation. |
everyone |
/f chat |
Change your chat configuration. |
everyone |
/f home |
Teleport to your faction's home |
everyone |
/f top |
Shows the top factions. |
everyone |
/f bank |
Manage your faction's bank. |
everyone |
/f leave |
Leave your current faction. |
everyone |
/f map |
Show the nearby claims. |
everyone |
/f border |
Show the chunk border limit. |
everyone |
/f here |
Show claims information. |
everyone |
/f claim |
Claim a chunk. |
officers |
/f unclaim |
Unclaim a chunk. |
officers |
/f invite |
Invite a player to your faction. |
officers |
/f kick |
Kick a player from your faction. |
officers |
/f sethome |
Set your faction's home. |
officers |
/f delhome |
Delete your faction's home. |
officers |
/f war |
Manage faction wars. |
officers |
/f delete |
Delete your faction. |
leader |
/f allies |
Manage your faction alliances. |
leader |
/f promote |
Promote a member. |
leader |
/f demote |
Demote an officer. |
leader |
/f transfer |
Transfer your leader status. |
leader |
/f admin |
Administrative commands. |
staff (simplefaction.admin) |
Future additions
Name |
Description |
Type |
Safezone system |
Allows you to create safezones that cannot be claimed. |
system |
UI System |
Add an UI extension plugin. |
extension |
Feature |
SimpleFaction |
FactionsPro |
PiggyFactions |
SQLite3 Support |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
MySQL Support |
✔ |
❌ |
✔ |
Async Queries |
✔ |
❌ |
✔ |
Editable message |
✔ |
❌ |
✔ |
Multiple claim |
✔ |
❌ |
✔ |
Multi-Language Support |
✔ |
❌ |
✔ |
Economy System |
✔ |
❌ |
✔ |
EconomyAPI Support |
✔ |
❌ |
✔ |
ScoreHUD Support (v5 & v6) |
✔ |
❌ |
✔ |
Simplicity |
✔ |
✔ |
❌ |
Floating Text |
✔ |
❌ |
❌ |
Additional plugins
Name |
Usage |
Download |
EconomyAPI |
Bank system |
Download |
PureChat |
Chat integration |
Download |
Rank |
Chat integration |
Download |
FacEssential |
Chat & Scoreboard integration |
Download |
Scoreboard |
Scoreboard integration |
Download |
ScoreHUD |
Scoreboard integration |
Download |
ScoreHUD V5 Addon |
Scoreboard Integration |
Download |
ScoreHUD V6 Addon |
Scoreboard Integration |
Download |
InfoTag |
Nametag integration |
Download |
English - @Ayzrix, Se7en-dev & UnEnanoMas.
French - @Ayzrix.
Spanish - @Santi.
# _____ _ _ ______ _ _
# / ____(_) | | | ____| | | (_)
# | (___ _ _ __ ___ _ __ | | ___| |__ __ _ ___| |_ _ ___ _ __
# \___ \| | '_ ` _ \| '_ \| |/ _ \ __/ _` |/ __| __| |/ _ \| '_ \
# ____) | | | | | | | |_) | | __/ | | (_| | (__| |_| | (_) | | | |
# |_____/|_|_| |_| |_| .__/|_|\___|_| \__,_|\___|\__|_|\___/|_| |_|
# | |
# |_|
# Database provider (SQLITE | MYSQL)
# Edit this only if 'PROVIDER' is on MYSQL
mysql_address: "SERVER ADDRESS"
mysql_user: "USER"
mysql_password: "YOUR PASSWORD"
mysql_db: "YOUR DB"
# Broadcast a message on faction creation / deletion
broadcast_message_created: true
broadcast_message_disband: true
# Activate or deactivate entering and leaving messages.
entering_leaving: true
# Activate or deactivate the bank system (/f bank)
economy_system: false
# Activate or deactivate the war system (/f war)
war_system: true
# War duration in seconds
war_timer: 300
# Faction name limit.
min_faction_name_lenght: 3
max_faction_name_lenght: 16
# Power gained per kill and lost per death.
power_gain_per_kill: 1
power_lost_per_death: 1
# Worlds where the players can claim.
faction_worlds: ["world"]
faction_pvp: false
alliance_pvp: false
# Time in seconds before invitations expire
invitation_expire_time: 30
allies_invitation_expire_time: 60
# Max members in a faction.
faction_max_members: 20
# Max allies in a faction.
faction_max_allies: 2
# Default power of factions
default_power: 0
# Select the claim mode you want (CUSTOM | MULTIPLICATIVE | ADDITIVE)
claim-mode: "CUSTOM"
# CUSTOM : Define the power needed for each individual claim.
# Maximum claim number is defined by the amount of lines you add in the list below.
# (1 line = 1 claim)
# Edit this part ONLY if you select CUSTOM as the claim mode.
- 100
- 500
- 800
- 1000
- 2500
- 5000
# MULTIPLICATIVE : Define the power needed for each claim with a multiplicative factor.
# Claim cost = starting claim price*(multiplicative factor**claim count)
# EXAMPLE with starting claim price = 100, multiplicative factor = 2 :
# 1st claim costs 100*(2**0) = 100, 2nd claim costs 100*(2**1) = 200, 3rd claim 100*(2**2) = 400 etc...
# ADDITIVE : Define the power needed for each claim with an additive factor.
# Claim cost = starting claim price+(additive factor*claim count)
# EXAMPLE with starting claim price = 100, additive factor = 500 :
# 1st claim costs 100+(500*0) = 100, 2nd claim costs 100+(500*1) = 600, 3rd claim 100+(500*2) = 1100 etc...
# Edit this part ONLY if you select MULTIPLICATIVE or ADDITIVE as the claim mode.
starting_claim_price: 100
factor: 2 # multiplicative or additive factor (depending on the claim mode you chose)
max_claims: 5
# Claims of the same faction have to be next to each other (first claim can be anywhere) (true|false)
adjacent_claims: false
# Prefix usable in languages. {prefix}
PREFIX: "§6[§fSimpleFaction§6]§f"
PLAYER_ONLY: "{prefix} §cThis command can't be used in the console !"
MAP_HEADER: "§6--------------------(§f{X}§6, §f{Z}§6)--------------------"
# Banned faction names
banned_names: ["op", "staff", "admin", "fuck", "shit"]
"Wilderness": "§d"
"Own-Faction": "§a"
"Allies": "§e"
"Enemies": "§c"
# RGB Colors
"Wilderness": "255, 0, 180"
"Own-Faction": "0, 255, 0"
"Allies": "255, 255, 0"
"Enemies": "255, 0, 0"
# Top floating text
# true | false
floating_text: false
floating_text_coordinates: "0:100:0:world"
floating_text_title: "§6- §fTop 10 factions with the most power §6-"
# TAGS: {number} {faction} {power} {members} {bank}
# Sort by power.
floating_text_line: "§6#{number} §f- §6{faction} §fwith §6{power} §fpower(s) and §6{bank} §fmoney"
# Line limit
floating_text_limit: 10