Ayush Tripathi
Ayush Tripathi
Hello, I am participating in Hacktoberfest this year. I want to contribute to this issue. Kindly assign me this issue.
Thank you so much to assign me this issue.
yes please add this too in next update
> Hey @Donaboyev @AyushTripathi28 Currently, this behaviour is already added. Dropdown overlay should close if you tap outside. Can you guys explain your issue more? `const Expanded(child: DataEnvDropdown()),` this is...
No not in app bar I am calling it inside body const Expanded(child: DataEnvDropdown()), sorry for late reply .
I got it actually i put canCloseOutsideBounds: false, but it should be true for this functionality.
can we add prefix icon in each item cause you have added that into class model but didnot apply to items in dropdown