v-snackbars icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
v-snackbars copied to clipboard

Display the `v-snackbar` (from Vuetify) with a stack display


Display the v-snackbar (from Vuetify) with a stack display



Vuetify > v2.3 (it may work with an earlier version of Vuetify but I haven't tested)


npm install v-snackbars


See it in action: https://codesandbox.io/s/v-snackbars-demo-8xrbr?file=/src/App.vue

How to use

import VSnackbars from "v-snackbars"
export default {
    "v-snackbars": VSnackbars
<v-snackbars :messages.sync="messages"></v-snackbars>

You need to provide a messages array. Using a push on the array will cause the text to be shown in a snackbar.

For example, to display "This is a message", just do the below:

this.messages.push("This is a message");

You can use the same options as the v-snackbar. For example:

<v-snackbars :messages.sync="messages" :timeout="10000" bottom left color="red"></v-snackbars>


Snackbar Options

The same v-snackbar options should be applicable, like bottom, right, left, top, color, timeout, ….

Personalized content

You can use v-slot:default to customize the content of the snackbar.

For example:

<v-snackbars :messages.sync="messages" :timeout="-1" color="black" top right>
  <template v-slot:default="{ message, id, index }">
    <h3 class="mb-2">Header</h3>
    {{ message }}

The parameter:

  • message: the current message that is displayed in the notification
  • id: the unique key/id of the message
  • index: the index in the array of notifications/messages

Personalized button

A close button is used by default. If you prefer to define your own action button, you can use a v-slot:action.

For example:

<v-snackbars :messages.sync="messages" :timeout="-1" color="black" top right>
  <template v-slot:action="{ close, index, message, id }">
    <v-btn text @click="close()">Dismiss</v-btn>

By clicking on Dismiss, it will remove the related snackbar.

The parameters:

  • close: the function to remove a notification
  • index: the index in the array of notifications/messages
  • message: the current message that is displayed in the notification
  • id: the unique key/id of the message


If you want to customize each snackbar, you can also pass a objects instead of messages, which will contain the various props (like message, color, timeout, transition, contentClass or the position).

In the JavaScript code:


In your Vue template:

<v-snackbars :objects.sync="objects"></v-snackbars>

Check the "Random Toast" button on the demo.


You can add some layers of interactivity with the messages.

For example, you can change the text by doing:

this.$set(this.messages, i, "New message to display");

To remove a notification, you'll have to use splice:

this.messages.splice(i, 1);

Check the "Show Interactivity" button on the demo.