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SharepointPlus ($SP) is a JavaScript library which offers some extended features for SharePoint entirely on client side (requires no server install). $SP will simplify your interactions with Sharepoin...
SharepointPlus ($SP) is a JavaScript library which offers some extended features for SharePoint entirely on client side (requires no server install). $SP will simplify your interactions with Sharepoint.
Browse the online documentation here.
Quick Start
Node Environment
npm install sharepointplus
import $SP from 'sharepointplus'
Please, make sure to read the documentation to optimize your bundle size.
Browser Only
To directly use it in a browser:
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
Usage / Examples
Update all items with an "Amount" value bigger than 1000:
$SP().list('My List Name').update({
Title:"Too expensive"
}, {
where:"Amount > 1000"
.then(function(res) {
alert(res.passed.length+" items successfully updated!");
Get all items with "Requestor" as the current user and with "Default Color" is "pink":
where:"Requestor = '[Me]' AND Default_x0020_Color = 'pink'",
orderby:"Size DESC",
.then(function(data) {
data.forEach(function(d) {
console.log("Model = "+d.Title+" (size: "+d.size+")";
More information
Please visit the online documentation to know more.