Persian-vocabulary-in-UXwriting copied to clipboard
Make a lib out of this good work
Since there are many issues around UX-writing in Farsi and even non-Farsi sites, I would suggest to transfer it to a library and support many different languages.
I prefer something like this is js/ts for instance:
import {smoothUX} from "somewhere";
<Component text={smoothUX.Login.Cozy()} /> // smoothUX.Login.Formal() ...
language support could be added
one more interesting thing!
Imagine a user can change the tone
of the website, like a theme
You can view a website with preferred tone
Hello! Thanks for your consideration, that's a good idea. I am new on Github ,what should I do now?
Hi! This is actually a great idea! Thanks Aylar.
I suggest starting a new repo for the library. I’d love to be a part of this 👌🏻
Hello! Thanks for your consideration, that's a good idea. I am new on Github ,what should I do now?
I'd prefer to move this under an organization/project. Pick a nice name for that and there you go.
Hi! This is actually a great idea! Thanks Aylar.
I suggest starting a new repo for the library. I’d love to be a part of this 👌🏻
Indeed, appreciate your participation.
@Aylarrazzaghi , think bigger, we gonna cover more languages.
That's great! I'm interested. Count on me! can we have a small chat? I have a few questions. @d-fal
I would recommend only having one source of truth instead of copying the words across many repos that can end up out of sync and require duplicate effort.
Moving the words into a JSON or Yaml format that people can edit/contribute to in this repo allows any library author to reference the JSON file from this repo and use the data in it in any way necessary.
And to prevent duplicating within this repo we can use an automated build step to render the data from JSON to Markdown for the readme (similar to how the made-in-iran repo does it).
The syntax (based on what data already exists in Readme) can be something like:
{"word": "Continue", "aliases": ["ok", "Next"], persian: "ادامه", alternative: ["تایید"], description: "...", category: "userflow"},
Although, if we want to support tone/language, we would need extra data that wouldn't fit in this syntax, and it might be better to have one file per word to have more room for adding extra data without making it unmaintainable.
Personally, I don't see myself using a library as suggested, since depending on context/sentence structure it is almost always easier to use a well-established i18n library and use language files that can be passed to translators or crowdsourced.
However, I can see tools (e.g. VisualStudio code plugins) being made that can use the JSON to search for words when making a UI without needing to go to google and disrupt the workflow.
@d-fal Jan what do you think?
Thanks @zumoshi
There's an ongoing effort to enrich the corpus by @Aylarrazzaghi and it would be get more complete over the pace of the time. This corpus, indeed, would be computer readable format such as excel/csv, json, yaml etc. momentarily, I asked @Aylarrazzaghi to go ahead with GSheets.
And yes, the Readme won't be like this as it's now.
About having a vscode plugin, I like the idea 👍, we can definitely move in that direction as a byproduct. At the same time, I see further benefits for setting it up as a full-fledged library specifically for end users, not developers.
@Aylarrazzaghi @d-fal Does this great idea have any updates? I wanted to be part of this project, but I didn't see any other repo or organization. IMO, it's better to have a separate organization for creating UX writing tools for developers such as this.
If the GitHub organization hasn't been created yet, I can create a demo proposal for this idea using a new org.
@SinaKarimi7 , Unfortunately, we haven't stepped into building the tool. I appreciate any efforts to enrich the idea or come up with a tool, but I would wait for @Aylarrazzaghi as the owner of the idea to create the repo.
@SinaKarimi7 @d-fal دوستان سلام تخصص من در حوزه زبانه و درک مفاهیمی که شما مطرح میکنین، برام سخته. دقیقا نمیدونم ارگانیزیشن چه ویژگی و مزایایی داره؟ من میتونم روی همین لیست کار کنم و گسترشش بدم و حتی از واژه فراتر برم مثلا ایجاد لحنهای مختلف یا لیستی از اسلنگها یا غلطهای مصطلحی که ثبت نشدن اما در حوزه تکنولوژی زیاد شدن. یا حتی ایجاد ساختار برای اینکه میکروکپیهای مختلف جنریت بشه. درباره چتبات هم خیلی ایده دارم. من میتونم این دیتا رو بهمرور فراهم کنم اما اینکه چجوری میشه ازش استفاده کرد رو نمیدونم و بلد نیستم. خیلی خوشحال میشم که مشارکت داشته باشین. کافیه به من بگین که دقیقا باید چیکار کنم که شما بتونین مشارکت کنین.
بنظرم ارگانیزیشن آپشن خاصی به شما نمیده که نیازتون باشه فقط دردسر اضافیه. روی همین یه ریپو همه کارتون راه میوفته.
فقط کافیه اصطلاحات رو در یک قالب مثل yaml در بیارید و با چند اسکریپت ساده لیست هارو generate کنید.