jsoncrack-vscode copied to clipboard
Yaml, Toml, support
There are many other file formats which could benefit from this type of interface. Specifically, YAML files when working on things like Helm charts and TOML files when working with pyproject.toml files in Python.
How hard is it to extend what you have into other file formats?
Alternative solutions or implementations
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ANy updates on this? Would be awesome to see yaml files supported. Imagine it would not be too challenging since YAML is a superset of JSON
ANy updates on this? Would be awesome to see yaml files supported. Imagine it would not be too challenging since YAML is a superset of JSON
Hoping to update VS Code extension once the graph is exported as component, however this doesn't include support for other data formats. With the yesterday's major release of JSON Crack is supports couple other data formats though -> https://jsoncrack.com