Helmet-Detection- copied to clipboard
An AI based helmet detection , which can detect the helmets from the images with 99% accuracy . It is implemented using Opencv, Python, YOLOV3 .
Helmet detection, which can detect the helmets from the images and the video with around 99% accuracy. Implemented using Opencv, Python, YOLOV3.
To use the pre-trained model, request here and keep the same in the ''yolo-coco'' to detect any helmet in the real-time video.
Create a folder named - Output And run this command - ' python livehelmet.py --output output/my.avi --yolo yolo-coco '
For Running the live interface of helmet detection -
python livehelmet1.py --output images/myvideo.avi --yolo yolo-coco/
To connect : https://www.linkedin.com/in/ayazsaiyadhearthacker/