tkforge icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
tkforge copied to clipboard

Drag & drop in Figma to create a Python GUI with ease


Drag & drop in Figma to create a Python GUI with ease

📰 Table of Contents

  • Why and how?
  • App Preview
  • Features
  • Usage Guide
  • Available names
  • Names that have unique features
  • CLI Usage Guide
  • Add the CLI exe to the environment variables in Windows

❓ Why and how?

Something like this has already been done by ParthJadhav with Tkinter Designer but I liked the concept and wanted to make something similar if not better from scratch. TkForge interacts with the Figma API to get the details of the file and turns that into code. First, it gets the file data and converts it into a format that only has the necessary details then that is converted into code. This project took me a lot longer than I had anticipated.

💻 App Preview

TkForge Application Preview

🔥 Features

  • Super easy to use
  • Drag and drop GUI maker
  • Support for placeholder text
  • Support for more than one frame
  • Automatically sets foreground to either black or white depending on the background (not always accurate)

✨ Usage Guide

First, you need to download the executable from the releases page. Then, you need to create a Figma token and copy the url of your project. Then, open the app and paste the token and url of your project into the app and click the button to start the magic! 🪄

In the Figma project, make sure to add proper names for all of your elements.

⟶ Go to the App Preview

🧿 Available names

Name Tkinter Element
text (you can also name it anything) canvas text
button button
image canvas image
textbox entry
textarea text
spinbox spinbox
rectangle canvas rectangle
circle canvas circle
oval canvas oval
line canvas line
label label
scale scale
listbox (Read below before using) listbox

If any element starts with these names then it will be considered as that Tkinter element. For example; rectangle 1, rectangle, Rectangle, RecTanGle 69 will all be considered as a rectangle. The capitalization does not matter.

💎 Names that have unique features


You can use label instead of text if you want to change that text later on.

circle and oval

Oval and circle act in the same way so you can use either one of those.

circle, oval, rectangle and line

Stroke color and stroke width are supported that means if you add a stroke to them in Figma, they will appear with that stroke and stroke width in the Tkinter design as well.

textarea and textbox

You can add placeholder text to them. To add placeholder text, after the name of the element put a space and the text you want. All of the text after the element name and a space will be the placeholder text. For example; if I want to make a textbox with the placeholder text "Hello world" then the name should be textbox Hello world and if you wanted to make it a textarea then it would be textarea Hello world. You can change the foreground color for the placeholder text in the code by adding placeholder_fg="color_here" in the widget. Here's a code example of adding placeholder_fg:

textbox_1 = TkForge_Entry(
    placeholder="Code Example",

If you added placeholder text, you need to use textbox_1.is_placeholder(False) to make sure your inserted text does not get the placeholder text color. And you can use textbox_1.get_placeholder() to get the placeholder text if you need to change back. Placeholder text in Tkinter can be quite tricky so you may need to handle a lot of situations yourself.


For the from, to and orient values of the scale element you can put them aftet the name one after the other separated by spaces. For example; if I want a scale that has from=10, to=50 and orient=HORIZONTAL then I can do scale 10 50 or scale 10 50 HORIZONTAL and if I want orient=VERTICAL then scale 10 50 VERTICAL


It is recommended to not use this. It messes up the height and width by some pixels or more. Using the units provided by Figma doesn't work, I had to divide it by some specific numbers to get it somewhat close to what it looks like in Figma.

🔮 CLI Usage Guide

If you want to run it from the Python file then use python YOUR_ARGUMENTS_HERE

You can use tkforge --help to get the help command and if you are using the Python file then use python --help

You may need to use ./tkforge.exe or something like that if you have not added the CLI executable to the environment variables.

Here are some example usages:

With arguments

tkforge --id my_id --token my_token --out ./app

You can use any one of the command below if you want the output to be in the current directory:

tkforge --id my_id --token my_token --out .
tkforge --id my_id --token my_token

Without arguments

tkforge my_id my_token output_path

You can use any one of the command below if you want the output to be in the current directory:

tkforge my_id my_token .
tkforge my_id my_token

🪟 Add the CLI exe to the environment variables in Windows

Step 1: Create a folder with any name like "tkforge"

Step 2: Put the TkForge CLI exe file in that folder

Step 3: Rename the exe from tkforge-cli.exe to tkforge.exe

Step 4: Copy the path name.

Example copied path name: C:\Users\PC\Downloads\tkforge

Do not copy the path for the ".exe", copy the path for the folder.

If the path name has quotes on both sides like this "C:\Users\PC\Downloads\tkforge cli", then make sure to remove the quotes.

Step 5: Open the "Edit the system environment variables" app

Step 6: Click on "Environment Variables..." then on "System variables" click "Path"

Step 7: Then, click "Edit" then "New" and paste the path

Step 8: Click "Ok", "Ok" and "Ok" and you should be done!

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