ActionBERT icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
ActionBERT copied to clipboard

Transformer for Action Recognition in PyTorch


Is Attention All That We Need?

Investigating Transformers for Action Recognition (Video classification)

The aim of this work is to understand the sequence modelling capabilities of transformer models (BERT-like) for continuous input spaces such as video frames, unlike language where the inputs are discrete (vocabulary).

PyTorch Implementation

Table of Contents

The project comprises of the following sections.

  • Dataset
  • Architecture
  • Training
  • Inference


Given the path to UCF-101's raw dataset folder, prepare the dataset in a standardized format as follows:

$ python3 \
-v /home/axe/Datasets/UCF_101/raw/videos \
-o /home/axe/Datasets/UCF_101 \
-s 0.8 -fps 1

Produces json files for training & validation sets in the following format:

    "video_name": "str",
    "label_idx": "int",

Also creates a new directory within the output dir -o for storing video frames, organized as follows:

├── out_dir
    └── frames
        ├── video_1
        │    ├── frame_1.jpg
        │    │   ...
        │    └── frame_n.jpg
        └── video_k
             ├── frame_1.jpg
             │   ...
             └── frame_m.jpg


Given the above frames dir -f & split set json -j, produces the final json & embeddings file (npy) in the following format:

$ python3 -s train \
-f /home/axe/Datasets/UCF_101/frames_1_fps \
-j /home/axe/Datasets/UCF_101/train_ucf101.json \
-o /home/axe/Datasets/UCF_101/data_res18_fps_1 \
-m resnet18 -bs 1024 -nw 4

The files are stored in output dir -o.

Processed dataset

  "data": [
                "video_idx": "int",
                "video_name": "str",
                "video_length": "int",
                "label_idx": "int"
  "memmap_size": "tuple(total_videos, max_video_len, emb_dim)",    
  "split": "str"

The video_idx refers to the 0th axis of the embeddings array.


np.array(shape=[total_videos, max_video_len, emb_dim])



  • Pre-Trained Conv + LSTM

  • End-to-End Conv + LSTM


  • Pre-Trained Conv + Transformer

  • End-to-End Conv + Transformer?


Run the following script for training:

$ python3 --mode train --expt_dir ./results_log  \
--expt_name BERT --model bert \
--data_dir ~/Datasets/UCF_101/processed_fps_1_res18 \
--run_name res18_1fps_lyr_1_bs_256_lr_1e4 \
--num_layers 1 --batch_size 256 --epochs 300 \
--gpu_id 1 --opt_lvl 1  --num_workers 4 --lr 1e-4

Specify --model_ckpt (filename.pth) to load model checkpoint from disk (resume training/inference)

Select the architecture by using --model ('bilstm', 'bert', 'roberta').

For pre-trained transformers see this link.

Note: ...


  • ....

UCF-101 Dataset `
Crawling Penalty


TODO: ....

  • [x] With Pre-Trained (Train+Val)
  • [ ] End-to-End (Train+Val)
  • [ ] ..