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Make all dtypes immutable
Minor thing I have not thought of and which I just noticed the hard way. Imagine the following: a user works on a new plugin and would like to use the interval dtype with some additional fields. So he/she does the following :
class MyPlugin(strax.Plugin)
my_dtype = strax.inetrval_dtype
my_dtype += new_fields
dtype = my_dtype
Luckily this will lead to an error since the user will most likely use the same lines also in compute. So the new_fields will be added twice.
Below is a MWE:
import strax
import numpy as np
class MWE(strax.Plugin):
__version__ = '0.0.1'
parallel = 'process'
depends_on = 'raw_records'
compressor = 'lz4'
rechunk_on_save = True
provides = 'MWE'
data_kind = 'MWE'
MWE_dtype = strax.interval_dtype
MWE_dtype += [(('Area field', 'area'), np.float32)]
dtype = MWE_dtype
def compute(self, raw_records):
MWE_dtype_2 = strax.interval_dtype
MWE_dtype_2 += [(('Area field', 'area'), np.float32)] # <-- will have the new fields twice
res = np.zeros(1, dtype=MWE_dtype_2)
res['time'] = raw_records[0]['time']
res['dt'] = raw_records[0]['dt']
res['length'] = raw_records[0]['length']
return res
So I would propose to change all dtype lists which we export into tuples.
I think we could easily fix this by changing all the dtypes in strax to tuples indeed. The user would have to e.g. list(strax.interval_dtype)
in case the user would like to add fields here.
This is quite simple but I can imagine that we're going to upset a lot of people by coldly changing this, custom plugins wouldn't work etc.