Some issue. But after I modify the code to read the images, it has one dimension error like this (batch_size=2): > RuntimeError: Given groups=1, weight of size [16, 3, 3,...
Hi Guys, have you solved this problem? > I am looking for the same files. Please post link here if you are able to find the file or its structure.
hi, bro, I have the same issue, did you have any further progress about it?
通过减小Dataloader中的 --num-workers, 或者设置为0, 应该可以解决这个问题
> 的确是,我跑的时候大概是15K的时候才报错。但是对选择结果来说不太影响
> @LiWentomng how long does it take to train on 8 3090s? hi, did you try to train on 8 3090s? how long it took?
Hi I have the same error, can you share how do you solve it? Thanks.