Thanks for replying @bpom . I can confirm that there is NO hidden column in that table.
Thanks @sundar-n , it does have datetime column. could you please share what sort of special handling can be done for that.
@sundar-n I can confirm thats its nothing to do with the date column. I created a very simple table with id and name and created a type of that table...
@bpom @yahonda @sundar-n could someone please help out here ?
here is the desc Name Null? Type ------------------ -------- ------------------ ID NOT NULL NUMBER PID NOT NULL NUMBER VALUE1 VARCHAR2(500 BYTE) VALUE2 VARCHAR2(500 BYTE) LDATE DATE USER VARCHAR2(30 BYTE)
@bpom By making the above change (uncomment line 20 in procedure_call.rb ) , it did not changed the error output. I am still getting the same error. OCIError: ORA-00911: invalid...
@bpom I am not getting any debug output or any different output from what I was getting before making any changes to procedure_call.rb. here is the output from console: GIVEN...
Our error was occurring at the line "@schema.execute sql_block, sql" in procedure.ensure_tmp_tables_created The SQL being executed was: CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE ruby_196669274_5159229_23_1 (element [schemaName].[tableName]%ROWTYPE, i__ NUMBER(38) ) ON COMMIT PRESERVE...
Did you get any solution to this.
Thank @bpom , Could you please share what changes have you made to ruby-plsql-spec gem to make it work. I am very new to ruby and does not know much...