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aviatrix_spoke_gateway change software_version fails

Open mwardbopp opened this issue 1 year ago • 0 comments

Describe the problem

Trying to change the software_version on a gateway. This fails

Terraform used the selected providers to generate the following execution plan. Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols: ~ update in-place

Terraform will perform the following actions:

aviatrix_spoke_gateway.spoke_aws_1: Refreshing state... [id=mcn-aws-spoke1]

Terraform used the selected providers to generate the following execution plan. Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols: ~ update in-place

Terraform will perform the following actions:

aviatrix_spoke_gateway.spoke_aws_1 will be updated in-place

~ resource "aviatrix_spoke_gateway" "spoke_aws_1" { id = "mcn-aws-spoke1" ~ software_version = "7.1.1710" -> "7.1.1906" tags = {} # (47 unchanged attributes hidden) }

Plan: 0 to add, 1 to change, 0 to destroy. aviatrix_spoke_gateway.spoke_aws_1: Modifying... [id=mcn-aws-spoke1] ╷ │ Error: could not upgrade spoke gateway during update image_version=hvm-cloudx-aws-030523 software_version=7.1.1906: rest API upgrade_selected_gateway Post failed: following parameters are required: gateway_list, version │ │ with aviatrix_spoke_gateway.spoke_aws_1, │ on main copy.tf line 46, in resource "aviatrix_spoke_gateway" "spoke_aws_1": │ 46: resource "aviatrix_spoke_gateway" "spoke_aws_1" { │ To Reproduce

What did you do? Describe in your own words.

resource "aviatrix_spoke_gateway" "spoke_aws_1" { cloud_type = local.cloud_type vpc_reg = var.aws_spoke1_region gw_name = var.aws_spoke1_name gw_size = var.aws_spoke_instance_size vpc_id = var.use_existing_vpc ? var.vpc_id : aviatrix_vpc.default[0].vpc_id account_name = var.aws_account_name subnet = local.subnet zone = local.zone insane_mode = var.insane_mode insane_mode_az = local.insane_mode_az single_az_ha = var.single_az_ha single_ip_snat = var.single_ip_snat customized_spoke_vpc_routes = var.customized_spoke_vpc_routes filtered_spoke_vpc_routes = var.filtered_spoke_vpc_routes included_advertised_spoke_routes = var.included_advertised_spoke_routes enable_encrypt_volume = var.enable_encrypt_volume customer_managed_keys = var.customer_managed_keys enable_private_vpc_default_route = var.private_vpc_default_route enable_skip_public_route_table_update = var.skip_public_route_table_update enable_auto_advertise_s2c_cidrs = var.auto_advertise_s2c_cidrs tunnel_detection_time = var.tunnel_detection_time tags = var.tags availability_domain = local.availability_domain fault_domain = local.fault_domain enable_active_standby = var.enable_active_standby prepend_as_path = var.prepend_as_path enable_learned_cidrs_approval = var.enable_learned_cidrs_approval learned_cidrs_approval_mode = var.learned_cidrs_approval_mode approved_learned_cidrs = var.approved_learned_cidrs local_as_number = var.local_as_number rx_queue_size = var.rx_queue_size enable_preserve_as_path = var.enable_preserve_as_path enable_monitor_gateway_subnets = var.enable_monitor_gateway_subnets disable_route_propagation = var.disable_route_propagation enable_global_vpc = var.enable_global_vpc enable_gro_gso = var.enable_gro_gso enable_vpc_dns_server = var.enable_vpc_dns_server software_version = var.gw_software_version image_version = var.gw_image_version

#BGP Settings enable_bgp = var.enable_bgp spoke_bgp_manual_advertise_cidrs = var.spoke_bgp_manual_advertise_cidrs bgp_ecmp = var.bgp_ecmp bgp_polling_time = var.bgp_polling_time bgp_hold_time = var.bgp_hold_time enable_bgp_over_lan = var.enable_bgp_over_lan bgp_lan_interfaces_count = var.bgp_lan_interfaces_count

#HA Settings - only apply when ha_gw is enabled and group mode is disabled (legacy behavior) ha_subnet = local.ha_gw ? local.ha_subnet : null ha_gw_size = local.ha_gw ? local.instance_size : null ha_zone = local.ha_gw ? local.ha_zone : null ha_availability_domain = local.ha_gw ? local.ha_availability_domain : null ha_fault_domain = local.ha_gw ? local.ha_fault_domain : null ha_insane_mode_az = local.ha_gw ? local.ha_insane_mode_az : null manage_ha_gateway = local.manage_ha_gateway

#Private mode settings private_mode_lb_vpc_id = var.private_mode_lb_vpc_id private_mode_subnet_zone = var.private_mode_subnets && local.cloud == "aws" ? format("%s%s", var.region, local.az1) : null ha_private_mode_subnet_zone = var.private_mode_subnets && local.cloud == "aws" && local.ha_gw ? format("%s%s", var.region, local.az2) : null

#Custom EIP settings allocate_new_eip = var.allocate_new_eip eip = var.eip ha_eip = local.ha_gw ? var.ha_eip : null azure_eip_name_resource_group = var.azure_eip_name_resource_group ha_azure_eip_name_resource_group = local.ha_gw ? var.azure_eip_name_resource_group : null }

gw_software_version = "7.1.1906" gw_image_version = "hvm-cloudx-aws-030523"

If possible, provide steps to reproduce the behavior:

Expected behavior A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

Gateway should be upgraded or downgraded.

Additional data / screenshots Include any relevant tf files.

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.


  • Provider version 3.1.3
  • Terraform version 1.6.3
  • Aviatrix Controller version UserConnect-7.1.1906

Additional context What was the impact?

Add any other context about the problem here.

mwardbopp avatar Nov 10 '23 11:11 mwardbopp