To future googlers: as of now, there is [some documentation](https://firebase.google.com/docs/emulator-suite/install_and_configure#specifying_java_options) on setting JVM arguments in Firebase emulators.
Same issue here. I started getting this error when transitioning to a [solution-style tsconfig.json](https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/release-notes/typescript-3-9.html#support-for-solution-style-tsconfigjson-files) file, which does not require the `compilerOptions` field. Adding an empty object for that key fixed...
> Is this for vue-jest 4.x or 5.x? (or both)? @lmiller1990 On consulting the README, it seems that there are versions of vue-jest greater than 3. Now I am confused......
In the meantime, is there a 4.x version or git tag we should install via npm? My company's project is in Vue 2 atm
Updated for clarity. Also added a ditty about a potential alternative direction: semantic assertions.
We've been using this matcher in our own production code for some time, and have found it extremely handy. I don't know how to export Jest matchers from a package,...
Absolutely! It would be simple to write up a function to export. Perhaps we would even export a function that would build `toHaveFirestorePath` and whatever matchers we want to add...
I'm working on a branch that will make the `path` property of `firestore-jest-mock`'s document and collection references match more closely Firestore's analagous `path` properties. Ours are close (except in the...
> I'm working on a branch ... Update on that branch. It's very nearly ready. For the sake of my own dependent projects, I'm waiting on firestore-jest-mock's TypeScript definitions before...
@sbatson5 Document and Collection path fixes are on #102.