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How to change Bat code to pure PowerShell code?

Open Davider-code opened this issue 2 years ago • 2 comments

Thank you very much for the hard work of the developers of this project

I want to change the bat code into PowerShell code

My programming level is not good. I tried several times without success, so I want to ask the developer for help. Thank you in advance

In addition, I want to know how to customize the output path, for example: $path ='c:\ABC '


@echo off & color 07 & chcp 65001 >nul
set "0=%~f0" & powershell -nop -c $f=[IO.File]::ReadAllText($env:0)-split':bat2file\:.*';iex($f[1]); X 1
@pause & exit/b

:bat2file: Compressed2TXT v6.1
$k='$&Y5OqzhK#sx]F+~,);@m3CaWT0_/Hb(2ekj8N-pr^6ltQ{VndBGJ|SMEo[cvA?9yZ=f!}.i4XwgRDPuUI1L7'; Add-Type -Ty @'
using System.IO; public class BAT85 {public static void Dec (ref string[] f, int x, string fo, string key) { unchecked {
byte[] b85=new byte[256];long n=0;int p=0,q=0,c=255,z=f[x].Length; while (c>0) b85[c--]=85; while (c<85) b85[key[c]]=(byte)c++;
int[] p85={52200625,614125,7225,85,1}; using (FileStream o=new FileStream(fo,FileMode.Create)) { for (int i=0;i != z;i++) {
c=b85[f[x][i]]; if (c==85) continue; n += c * p85[p++]; if (p==5) {p=0; q=4; while (q > 0) {q--; o.WriteByte((byte)(n>>8*q));}
n=0;}} if (p>0) {for (int i=0;i<5-p;i++) {n += 84 * p85[p+i];} q=4; while (q > p-1) {q--;o.WriteByte((byte)(n>>8*q));} } } }}}
'@; cd -lit (Split-Path $env:0); function X([int]$x=1) {[BAT85]::Dec([ref]$f,$x+1,$x,$k); expand -R $x -F:* .; del $x -force}

:bat2file:[ test_txt

code2---powershell--no't succeed

$_b = @'

$k='$&Y5OqzhK#sx]F+~,);@m3CaWT0_/Hb(2ekj8N-pr^6ltQ{VndBGJ|SMEo[cvA?9yZ=f!}.i4XwgRDPuUI1L7'; Add-Type -Ty @'
using System.IO; public class BAT85 {public static void Dec (ref string[] f, int x, string fo, string key) { unchecked {
byte[] b85=new byte[256];long n=0;int p=0,q=0,c=255,z=f[x].Length; while (c>0) b85[c--]=85; while (c<85) b85[key[c]]=(byte)c++;
int[] p85={52200625,614125,7225,85,1}; using (FileStream o=new FileStream(fo,FileMode.Create)) { for (int i=0;i != z;i++) {
c=b85[f[x][i]]; if (c==85) continue; n += c * p85[p++]; if (p==5) {p=0; q=4; while (q > 0) {q--; o.WriteByte((byte)(n>>8*q));}
n=0;}} if (p>0) {for (int i=0;i<5-p;i++) {n += 84 * p85[p+i];} q=4; while (q > p-1) {q--;o.WriteByte((byte)(n>>8*q));} } } }}}

function X([int]$x = 1) { [BAT85]::Dec([ref]$_b, $x + 1, $x, $k); expand -R $x -F:* .; del $x -force }

X 1

Davider-code avatar Nov 14 '21 01:11 Davider-code

You can pushd / set-location to the directory you want before running it, and it will unpack there

As for using it purely via powershell, it needs more adjustments since it's made to support multiple file attachments. I plan to restructure the output to make that easier.

But if you can't wait, here's your example with BAT85 and randomized password:

# first, mimic $f as it is in the batch file output - the first attachment would be $f[2] 
$f = @(0,0)
$f+= @'

# second, add the decode part
$b='Microsoft.VisualBasic';Add-Type -As $b;$k=iex "[$b.Interaction]::InputBox('Key',85)";if($k.Length-ne85){exit};Add-Type -Ty @'
using System.IO; public class BAT85 {public static void Dec (ref string[] f, int x, string fo, string key) { unchecked {
byte[] b85=new byte[256];long n=0;int p=0,q=0,c=255,z=f[x].Length; while (c>0) b85[c--]=85; while (c<85) b85[key[c]]=(byte)c++;
int[] p85={52200625,614125,7225,85,1}; using (FileStream o=new FileStream(fo,FileMode.Create)) { for (int i=0;i != z;i++) {
c=b85[f[x][i]]; if (c==85) continue; n += c * p85[p++]; if (p==5) {p=0; q=4; while (q > 0) {q--; o.WriteByte((byte)(n>>8*q));}
n=0;}} if (p>0) {for (int i=0;i<5-p;i++) {n += 84 * p85[p+i];} q=4; while (q>(5-p)) {o.WriteByte((byte)(n>>8*(--q)));} } } }}}
'@; cd -Lit($env:__CD__); function X([int]$x=1){[BAT85]::Dec([ref]$f,$x+1,$x,$k); expand -R $x -F:* .; del $x -force}

# third, call decode function - with arg = 1 because it's the 1st attachment

use this randomized key when asked: }V0UN9@Sd_23{A-WBqh(.oHC!w]|lb)D$pJfK^/n+x7zrQR&1?cmvIOMXa4uZL#TiGkFjPy;esYt[Eg~86=5,

AveYo avatar Nov 14 '21 16:11 AveYo

You can pushd / set-location to the directory you want before running it, and it will unpack there

As for using it purely via powershell, it needs more adjustments since it's made to support multiple file attachments. I plan to restructure the output to make that easier.

But if you can't wait, here's your example with BAT85 and randomized password:

# first, mimic $f as it is in the batch file output - the first attachment would be $f[2] 
$f = @(0,0)
$f+= @'

# second, add the decode part
$b='Microsoft.VisualBasic';Add-Type -As $b;$k=iex "[$b.Interaction]::InputBox('Key',85)";if($k.Length-ne85){exit};Add-Type -Ty @'
using System.IO; public class BAT85 {public static void Dec (ref string[] f, int x, string fo, string key) { unchecked {
byte[] b85=new byte[256];long n=0;int p=0,q=0,c=255,z=f[x].Length; while (c>0) b85[c--]=85; while (c<85) b85[key[c]]=(byte)c++;
int[] p85={52200625,614125,7225,85,1}; using (FileStream o=new FileStream(fo,FileMode.Create)) { for (int i=0;i != z;i++) {
c=b85[f[x][i]]; if (c==85) continue; n += c * p85[p++]; if (p==5) {p=0; q=4; while (q > 0) {q--; o.WriteByte((byte)(n>>8*q));}
n=0;}} if (p>0) {for (int i=0;i<5-p;i++) {n += 84 * p85[p+i];} q=4; while (q>(5-p)) {o.WriteByte((byte)(n>>8*(--q)));} } } }}}
'@; cd -Lit($env:__CD__); function X([int]$x=1){[BAT85]::Dec([ref]$f,$x+1,$x,$k); expand -R $x -F:* .; del $x -force}

# third, call decode function - with arg = 1 because it's the 1st attachment

use this randomized key when asked: }V0UN9@Sd_23{A-WBqh(.oHC!w]|lb)D$pJfK^/n+x7zrQR&1?cmvIOMXa4uZL#TiGkFjPy;esYt[Eg~86=5,

Thank you very much for your reply I'm looking forward to code enhancement. Pure PowerShell code can support custom expand paths,

Davider-code avatar Nov 14 '21 23:11 Davider-code