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Create a migration guide from next-i18nnext

Open martinratinaud opened this issue 2 years ago • 4 comments

As a lot of people are using next-i18nnext and I got aware of this project from a comment over there, a migration guide from one to the other would be great to determine the cost of migrating


martinratinaud avatar Sep 13 '21 03:09 martinratinaud

@martinratinaud great suggestion - we'll add this to the backlog. If you are interested to try out our solution and help us write a guide you are more than welcome :)

nbouvrette avatar Sep 13 '21 16:09 nbouvrette

I'll let you know if I try and come up with something! Thanks

martinratinaud avatar Sep 16 '21 04:09 martinratinaud

Hi, is there an update on this ?

amirsinaa avatar Dec 18 '21 10:12 amirsinaa

@amirsinaa unfortunately we've been focusing more on adding new features (the next big one will be embedded HTML in strings). If you'd like to take a stab at this one you are more than welcome!

nbouvrette avatar Dec 18 '21 15:12 nbouvrette