Results 83 issues of Avamander

**Describe the feature you'd like** I wish to use a PostgreSQL back-end for the server, that requires a PostgreSQL driver for SQLAlchemy. **Have you considered alternative ways to get this...


It would be really nice if there would be a tooltip explaining the peer flags displayed under the "Peers" tab under an active torrent.

I read on the forums and from the documentation that the nRF5 series are supported to some extent. I am wondering what does it actually take to get the gateway...

Made the preprocessor throw an error if an ancient define is specified, user must update their defines to avoid very difficult to diagnose issues further on. I personally stumbled upon...

Flood incorrectly displays "Downloaded | 100%" in torrent->right click->"torrent details", but rtorrent itself reports otherwise (99,98% complete of a 100GB torrent). It would be nice if it didn't do any...


For some reason it scrobbled the wrong TV show as watched even when the preview was correct. When I just copied the preview's link, pasted it into the URL correction...

I tried running MyController with Java 11 and I think the startup script should include flags to disable forbidden reflection or not reflect like that: ``` [Wed Nov 07 17:26:49...

For example `03:27:36.187 [main] ERROR org.mycontroller.standalone.AppProperties - Unable to create directory location: /var/www/html/_configurations` should probably be FATAL because it's a showstopper to the operation of mycontroller. Thanks again for the...


I'm trying to switch to PostgreSQL 10 on my RPi and it seems that MyController really doesn't like that: ``` 2018-11-07 17:34:52,695 ERROR [Acme.Utils.ThreadPool(10)-PooledThread: Acme.Serve.Serve$ServeConnection@651f4d14] [org.mycontroller.standalone.db.dao.BaseAbstractDaoImpl:450] unable to get count...

I think it would be nice if OSSEC would treat such failures to connect to smtpd the same way as 5xx errors in http services are treated. And possibly eventually...