ShowMeTheXaml.Avalonia icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
ShowMeTheXaml.Avalonia copied to clipboard

A Avalonia control making it easy to show the corresponding XAML for custom styles and controls


An Avalonia component making it easy to show the corresponding XAML for custom styles and controls. It was built out of a need to shows the XAML for the theme library Material.Avalonia.

Getting started

  1. Install ShowMeTheXaml.Avalonia.Generator nuget package:

    dotnet add package ShowMeTheXaml.Avalonia.Generator

    This will also install the ShowMeTheXaml.Avalonia nuget package as well.

  2. Add XamlDisplay style to your app in App.xaml. See the example of App.xaml:

    <Application ...>
            <!-- This line \/ required -->
            <StyleInclude Source="avares://ShowMeTheXaml.Avalonia/XamlDisplay.xaml"/>
            <!-- This line /\ required -->
  3. Initialize DisplayContent dictionary in XamlDisplay class:
    Add UseXamlDisplay() in Program.cs to BuildAvaloniaApp method. It should look like this:

    public static AppBuilder BuildAvaloniaApp()
        => AppBuilder.Configure<App>()
                     // This line \/
                     // This line /\

    Or call XamlDisplayInternalData.RegisterXamlDisplayData() on your program startup.

  4. Add XamlDisplay in your xaml. Set unique UniqueId property value. Example:

    <showMeTheXaml:XamlDisplay UniqueId="123">
        <!-- Your code here -->


Style for displaying xaml content inside AvaloniaEdit (AvalonEdit)

Getting started

Refer to usual getting started but:

  1. Instead ShowMeTheXaml.Avalonia use (install) ShowMeTheXaml.Avalonia.AvaloniaEdit nuget package
    dotnet add package ShowMeTheXaml.Avalonia.AvaloniaEdit
  2. Use another style. Instead
    <StyleInclude Source="avares://ShowMeTheXaml.Avalonia/XamlDisplay.xaml"/>
    <StyleInclude Source="avares://ShowMeTheXaml.Avalonia.AvaloniaEdit/XamlDisplayStyles.axaml"/>

Everything else remains the same.

Compiling sources

  1. Clone this repo:

    git clone
  2. Navigate to repo folder

  3. Fetch all submodules:

    git submodule update --init --recursive
  4. Compile project:

    dotnet build