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OpenGlException: eglMakeCurrent failed with error EGL_CONTEXT_LOST
This happens to me when using the version on the master, it's very rare but happened 3 times when I logged into my computer and opened the window using the Show functions. AllowEglInitialization=true and UseDeferredRendering = false
Application: Blast.exe CoreCLR Version: .NET Version: 5.0.0-preview.5.20278.1 Description: The process was terminated due to an unhandled exception. Exception Info: Avalonia.OpenGL.OpenGlException: eglMakeCurrent failed with error EGL_CONTEXT_LOST (0x300E) at Avalonia.OpenGL.EglContext.MakeCurrent(EglSurface surface) at Avalonia.OpenGL.EglGlPlatformSurface.RenderTarget.BeginDraw() at Avalonia.Skia.GlRenderTarget.BeginRenderingSession() at Avalonia.Skia.SkiaGpuRenderTarget.CreateDrawingContext(IVisualBrushRenderer visualBrushRenderer) at Avalonia.Rendering.ImmediateRenderer.Paint(Rect rect) at Avalonia.Win32.WindowImpl.WndProc(IntPtr hWnd, UInt32 msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam) This happens to me when I use Acrylic + UseGPU randomly, couldn't find any issue like this, are you familiar with it or I should open an issue?
Just confirming I saw this same error too today - while resizing a window which had opened and displayed fine previously.
Update - This happened twice before crashing on the same exception
Please, try with this PR https://github.com/AvaloniaUI/Avalonia/pull/4242
Please, try with this PR #4242
I will try and update if it works, thanks.
@kekekeks Didn't happen for me since I started using the latest nightly build but I also switched to the deferred renderer (not sure if it matters). Also, it's probably worth noting that this exception occurred to me only when logging to a computer through RDP.
Just to confirm, I've seen it happen 2-3 times running on a normal session, not via RDP so (assuming mine is the same issue) it's not confined just to RDP sessions.
The thing is, there are two scenarios when EGL_CONTEXT_LOST can happen:
- a genuine device loss (a switch to RDP session with RemoteFX, hardware device reset, etc)
- an invalid command issued by Avalonia
The first one we need to handle properly, but for second one we need to determine what was causing it, since invalid calls might cause worse errors as well.
The thing is, there are two scenarios when EGL_CONTEXT_LOST can happen:
- a genuine device loss (a switch to RDP session with RemoteFX, hardware device reset, etc)
- an invalid command issued by Avalonia
The first one we need to handle properly, but for second one we need to determine what was causing it, since invalid calls might cause worse errors as well.
It used to happen because of RDP but just now it happened when I was just opening the window and it has different stack trace -
Exception Info: Avalonia.OpenGL.OpenGlException: eglCreateWindowSurface failed with error EGL_CONTEXT_LOST (0x300E) at Avalonia.OpenGL.EglDisplay.CreateWindowSurface(IntPtr window) at Avalonia.OpenGL.EglGlPlatformSurface.CreateGlRenderTarget() at Avalonia.Skia.GlSkiaGpu.TryCreateRenderTarget(IEnumerable
1 surfaces)
at Avalonia.Skia.PlatformRenderInterface.CreateRenderTarget(IEnumerable1 surfaces) at Avalonia.Controls.TopLevel.CreateRenderTarget() at Avalonia.Controls.TopLevel.Avalonia.Rendering.IRenderRoot.CreateRenderTarget() at Avalonia.Rendering.DeferredRenderer.EnsureDrawingContext(IDrawingContextImpl& context) at Avalonia.Rendering.DeferredRenderer.UpdateRenderLayersAndConsumeSceneIfNeeded(IDrawingContextImpl& context, Boolean recursiveCall) at Avalonia.Rendering.DeferredRenderer.Render(Boolean forceComposite) at Avalonia.Win32.WindowImpl.AppWndProc(IntPtr hWnd, UInt32 msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam) at Avalonia.Win32.WindowImpl.WndProc(IntPtr hWnd, UInt32 msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam)
Also, if it helps - I noticed one of the exceptions had different error code -
Exception Info: Avalonia.OpenGL.OpenGlException: eglCreateWindowSurface failed with error EGL_BAD_ALLOC (0x3003) at Avalonia.OpenGL.EglDisplay.CreateWindowSurface(IntPtr window) at Avalonia.OpenGL.EglGlPlatformSurface.CreateGlRenderTarget() at Avalonia.Skia.GlSkiaGpu.TryCreateRenderTarget(IEnumerable
1 surfaces)
at Avalonia.Skia.PlatformRenderInterface.CreateRenderTarget(IEnumerable1 surfaces) at Avalonia.Controls.TopLevel.CreateRenderTarget() at Avalonia.Controls.TopLevel.Avalonia.Rendering.IRenderRoot.CreateRenderTarget() at Avalonia.Rendering.ImmediateRenderer.Paint(Rect rect) at Avalonia.Win32.WindowImpl.WndProc(IntPtr hWnd, UInt32 msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam
I encountered this today while upgrading my graphics drivers for https://github.com/AvaloniaUI/XamlControlsGallery/issues/4 while XamlControlGallery was running.
Probably not all that useful, but here's the exception and stack trace:
Click to expand
Avalonia.OpenGL.OpenGlException: 'eglCreateWindowSurface failed with error EGL_CONTEXT_LOST (0x300E)'
Avalonia.OpenGL.dll!Avalonia.OpenGL.EglDisplay.CreateWindowSurface(System.IntPtr window) Unknown
Avalonia.OpenGL.dll!Avalonia.OpenGL.EglGlPlatformSurface.CreateGlRenderTarget() Unknown
Avalonia.Skia.dll!Avalonia.Skia.GlRenderTarget.GlRenderTarget(SkiaSharp.GRContext grContext, Avalonia.OpenGL.IGlPlatformSurface glSurface) Unknown
Avalonia.Skia.dll!Avalonia.Skia.GlSkiaGpu.TryCreateRenderTarget(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<object> surfaces) Unknown
Avalonia.Skia.dll!Avalonia.Skia.PlatformRenderInterface.CreateRenderTarget(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<object> surfaces) Unknown
Avalonia.Controls.dll!Avalonia.Controls.TopLevel.CreateRenderTarget() Unknown
Avalonia.Controls.dll!Avalonia.Controls.TopLevel.Avalonia.Rendering.IRenderRoot.CreateRenderTarget() Unknown
Avalonia.Visuals.dll!Avalonia.Rendering.DeferredRenderer.EnsureDrawingContext(ref Avalonia.Platform.IDrawingContextImpl context) Unknown
Avalonia.Visuals.dll!Avalonia.Rendering.DeferredRenderer.UpdateRenderLayersAndConsumeSceneIfNeeded(ref Avalonia.Platform.IDrawingContextImpl context, bool recursiveCall) Unknown
Avalonia.Visuals.dll!Avalonia.Rendering.DeferredRenderer.Render(bool forceComposite) Unknown
Avalonia.Visuals.dll!Avalonia.Rendering.DeferredRenderer.Paint(Avalonia.Rect rect) Unknown
Avalonia.Controls.dll!Avalonia.Controls.TopLevel.HandlePaint(Avalonia.Rect rect) Unknown
Avalonia.Win32.dll!Avalonia.Win32.WindowImpl.AppWndProc(System.IntPtr hWnd, uint msg, System.IntPtr wParam, System.IntPtr lParam) Unknown
Avalonia.Win32.dll!Avalonia.Win32.WindowImpl.WndProc(System.IntPtr hWnd, uint msg, System.IntPtr wParam, System.IntPtr lParam) Unknown
[Native to Managed Transition]
user32.dll!00007fff347be858() Unknown
user32.dll!00007fff347be3dc() Unknown
user32.dll!00007fff347d0bc3() Unknown
ntdll.dll!00007fff3612fbf4() Unknown
win32u.dll!00007fff33901704() Unknown
user32.dll!00007fff347be2ea() Unknown
[Managed to Native Transition]
Avalonia.Win32.dll!Avalonia.Win32.Win32Platform.RunLoop(System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken) Unknown
Avalonia.Base.dll!Avalonia.Threading.Dispatcher.MainLoop(System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken) Unknown
Avalonia.Controls.dll!Avalonia.Controls.ApplicationLifetimes.ClassicDesktopStyleApplicationLifetime.Start(string[] args) Unknown
Avalonia.Controls.dll!Avalonia.ClassicDesktopStyleApplicationLifetimeExtensions.StartWithClassicDesktopLifetime<Avalonia.AppBuilder>(Avalonia.AppBuilder builder, string[] args, Avalonia.Controls.ShutdownMode shutdownMode) Unknown
> XamlControlsGallery.NetCore.dll!XamlControlsGallery.Program.Main(string[] args) Line 13 C#
[Native to Managed Transition]
hostpolicy.dll!00007ffed5ea4e2d() Unknown
hostpolicy.dll!00007ffed5eb2e27() Unknown
hostpolicy.dll!00007ffed5eb2a36() Unknown
hostpolicy.dll!00007ffed5eb4262() Unknown
hostfxr.dll!00007ffed62c3aaa() Unknown
hostfxr.dll!00007ffed62c7404() Unknown
hostfxr.dll!00007ffed62c5c0b() Unknown
hostfxr.dll!00007ffed62c20e9() Unknown
XamlControlsGallery.NetCore.exe!00007ff6aa142361() Unknown
XamlControlsGallery.NetCore.exe!00007ff6aa142758() Unknown
XamlControlsGallery.NetCore.exe!00007ff6aa144608() Unknown
kernel32.dll!00007fff35c66fd4() Unknown
ntdll.dll!00007fff360dcec1() Unknown
CONTEXT_LOSS handling is a must have feature. Especially on a notebooks. After a sleep users are getting almost 100% repro. This is making them angry a lot :) App freeze/crash + potential progress loss is a pain. I hope this feature will have a higher priority and will be fixed in near future. Thanks!
No progress on this? I encountered this issue today while simply resizing the main window of my app.
@kekekeks as a quick solution - maybe let's handle CONTEXT_LOSS with exception? So we can handle it as unobserved exception, save all the changes in app and restart it.
Now device lost generates a freeze of app on MakeCurrent EGL method on windows - it's a disaster, because we can't handle this. Only solution now is to listen to Render Thread responsiveness from background thread and if there is a minute lag - restart the app.
let's handle CONTEXT_LOSS with exception
- that exception would happen on the render thread
- UI thread might be in a blocking wait for the render thread to finish rendering (that currently only happens during resize or window close)
I'm seeing this issue if I leave an application open and then put Windows to sleep. Upon wakeup, the exception will fire 100% of the time.