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A collection of interesting libraries and tools for Avalonia project.

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I found some of these articles helpful.

libs in github here[].and nuget package in here name Dove.Avalonia.Controls.Extensions[] and here name Dove.Avalonia.Controls.Extensions.ChineseInputSupoort[]

Add VisualFileSorter to Samples and Projects section

Hello! Consider keeping lists in alphabetical order. It seems to me that it will look better this way

Hello! This change depersonalizes the information provided. It seems to me that if there is no explicit indication of the author in the title, then in the list, too, he...

Hello! Consider using an awesome bot: > `awesome_bot` checks for valid URLs in a file, it can be used to verify pull requests updating a README.

Nukepayload2.SourceGenerators.AvaloniaUI is a Visual Basic source generator for typed Avalonia x:Name References. This project also contains the Visual Basic version of All sample projects can be compiled successfully with...

A Cross-Platform One-Click Yuzu Mod downloader for Yuzu Game Mods - based around Nintendo Switch Emulation