Do you think they should be part of the core game, with some code to specifically load them during the events, or should they be separate modules, and some script...
First interesting idea on SO I found uses java.awt for this: 1. you can query the actual mouse position with https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/awt/PointerInfo.html#getLocation-- 2. you can reset the mouse to the center...
For anyone looking into this ticket, the Terasology exe is created by the visual c++ project https://github.com/MovingBlocks/TerasologyJavaLauncher
Not sure what extras they provide, but there are 2 repos I found: sl4j-android: https://github.com/nomis/slf4j-android logback-android: https://github.com/tony19/logback-android The first repo is just the SL4J abstraction: https://www.slf4j.org/android/ The second repo is...
Which platforms do we want to target? I remember using the win32 api for one of my homeworks to prevent windows sleep while my 6 hour simulation was processing. From...
If I remember right it was the SetThreadExecutionState command, where a flag could be set while the download is ongoing, and reset after it has finished. See the vista part...
Okay, I'll see what I can cook up. The name win32 api is just from tradition, 32/64 bit should not be an issue, but the method I outlined works for...
JNA seems like a lot of work, keeping all the platform-dependent jars with the client, so I'll see if JNI is enough to load the system dlls'
Ohh, cool! Thanks for pointing it out!
I did not find this function in JNA, so I opened a request for it https://github.com/java-native-access/jna/issues/720 . After it is added it can be used in the launcher.