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How can I disable giro stabilization?

Open RobertoIV opened this issue 7 years ago • 3 comments

Hello, I've been trying to disable giro stabilization but I cannot disable it completely, I would like to disable it to avoid the blur caused by the stabilization and to get the orientation of the bebop based on the camera. Thanks in advance.

RobertoIV avatar Feb 15 '17 01:02 RobertoIV

Have you tried setting the following parameter?


mani-monaj avatar Feb 18 '17 01:02 mani-monaj

I have been able to disable it thay way, but I would like to disable it from the start of the node. Thanks for your atention.

RobertoIV avatar Feb 22 '17 01:02 RobertoIV

@RobertoIV You can set any ROS param directly from your launch file:

mani-monaj avatar Mar 13 '17 17:03 mani-monaj