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getting bebop navdata through rostopic?

Open kenisvery opened this issue 7 years ago • 1 comments


How could i get the navigation data through the rostopic? I tried enter "rostopic echo bebop/states/ardrone3/PilotingState/AttitudeChanged" . However, i am getting an error message "ERROR: Cannot load message class for [bebop_msgs/Ardrone3PilotingStateAttitudeChanged]. Are your messages built?"

Additionally, how could i collect the navigation data and save it in a variable inside a python script?


I am trying to do gmapping with ORB_SLAM. How could i configure so that it could work with bebop autonomy and bebop 2?

kenisvery avatar Jan 18 '17 08:01 kenisvery

However, i am getting an error message "ERROR: Cannot load message class for [bebop_msgs/Ardrone3PilotingStateAttitudeChanged]. Are your messages built?"

You need to source your catkin workspace prior to running rostopic echo in a terminal.

Additionally, how could i collect the navigation data and save it in a variable inside a python script?

Please check the following tutorial on how to subscribe to custom ROS messages in ROS. The driver's documentation provides the type of all custom messages used to publish a certain topic.

ROS/Tutorials/CustomMessagePublisherSubscriber(python) - ROS Wiki

I am trying to do gmapping with ORB_SLAM. How could i configure so that it could work with bebop autonomy and bebop 2?

Please post this to ROS answers to seek help from a wider audience. Are you trying to run gmapping or ORB_SLAM with bebop's data? I don't think doing the former is possible, since AFAIK gmapping does not support monocular cameras.

mani-monaj avatar Feb 08 '17 04:02 mani-monaj