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Reading Optical Flow camera and ultrasonic data

Open donald2016 opened this issue 7 years ago • 1 comments

I have coded my node to read the image from the bebop front camera. According to Mani's reply at 87, is "to calculate the Optical Flow" means using the front camera to find optical flow OR using the bottom camera and ultra-sonic sensor for Optical flow calculation?

Can I subscribe to the image from the bottom camera and the range from ultra sonic sensor?

donald2016 avatar Mar 03 '17 06:03 donald2016


To calculate the optical flow, you can only subscribe to the front-facing camera's image stream since the firrmware/SDK do not provide any support to access the bottom camera.

Although the ultrasonic data is not directly available by the firmware/SDK, you can read the Altitude of the Bebop which is estimated from multiple sources such as ultrasound readings and barometer data.

mani-monaj avatar Mar 13 '17 17:03 mani-monaj