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Automile offers a simple, smart, cutting-edge telematics solution for businesses to track and manage their business vehicles.
Official Automile REST API for .NET
Automile offers a simple, smart, cutting-edge telematics solution for businesses to track and manage their business vehicles. Automile is a next-gen IoT solution and the overall experience is unmatched. Business of all sizes love to use Automile to get fleet intelligence whether it is understanding driving behavior, recording vehicle defects and expenses, tracking vehicles real time or securing vehicles from un-authorized use.
Automile gives developers a simple way to build services and applications through its unique application program interface (API). Our simple REST based API support more than 400 core features empowering developers to access more data and enabling tighter integration to build apps for the connected ecosystem.
API information can be found at If you need any help, we are here to help. Simply email us at [email protected] or chat with us.
The latest OpenAPI (fka Swagger) specification may be found at:
This library allows you to quickly and easily use the Automile API via C# with .NET.
This SDK is currently in beta. If you need help:
- Use the Issue Tracker to report bugs or missing functionality in this library.
- Send an email to [email protected] to request help with our API or your account.
- .NET version 4.5 or newer
Quickstart :running:
Installing via NuGet
Install-Package Automile.Net -prerelease
Add the Automile namespace were you want to use the code.
using Automile.Net;
// Have no account ? Well that's easy - you can signup directly from
// this call and be given access to a demo vehicle
var savedThis = AutomileClient.SignUp("[email protected]");
// remember to savethis property - it contains your login information
// create the client directly from your signup
var client = new AutomileClient(savedThis);
// or
var client = new AutomileClient("username", "password", "api client identifier", "api secret");
// if you want to save the token (recommended)
// next time you can create the client from the saved token
var client = new AutomileClient(@"token.json"));
That's shouldn't have been too hard :sweat_drops:
Note: Automile is currentley accepting username and password authentication for users belonging to private clients you are creating.
- Vehicle
- Trip
- Driver
- Geofence
- Notification (webhooks, e-mail, text, inbox and push)
- Notification Messages
- Places (automation)
- Devices
- Fleets
- Attach Geofences to Vehicles
- Attach Places to Vehicles
- Attach Vehicles to Fleets
- Attach Drivers to Fleets
- Device Events
- Publish Subscribe
Vehicle Methods
All these methods are used to retrieve one or multiple vehicles and their current locations. You can also create, edit and delete vehicles.
Get all vehicles
var vehicles = client.GetVehicles();
Get details for a specific vehicle
var vehicleDetails = client.GetVehicleById(33553);
Get status for all vehicles which will include the position of the actual vehicles
var vehicleStatus = client.GetStatusForVehicles();
Check-in driver to vehicle
client.CheckInToVehicle(new VehicleCheckInModel()
ContactId = 2,
VehicleId = 33553,
DefaultTripType = ApiTripType.Auto, //Use the users schedule, place or other automation rules
CheckOutAtUtc = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(7) //Use to schedule future auto-checkout, leave empty for permanent check-in
Check-out yourself
Trip Methods
Get all trips for the last days
var trips = client.GetTrips(lastNumberOfDays:1);
Get overview for a specific trip
var tripOverview = client.GetTripById(31826384);
Note: This call contains overview details of a trip, if you want all datapoints you can instead use GetTripDetails or GetTripDetailsAdvanced.
Get the start and stop latitude and longitude positions of the trip
var tripStartStopPosition = client.GetTripStartStopLatitudeLongitude(31826384);
Get all latituide and longitude locations during the trip
var tripPositions = client.GeoTripLatitudeLongitude(tripId:31826384,everyNthRecord:5);
Get trip details for a trip
var tripDetails = client.GetTripDetails(31826384);
Get advanced trip details for a trip
var tripAdvanced = client.GetTripDetailsAdvanced(31826384);
Get all RPM values during a trip
var rpmValues = client.GetTripRPM(31826384);
Get all ambient temperature values during a trip
var ambientTemperatures = client.GetTripAmbientTemperature(31826384);
Get all engine coolant temperature values during a trip
var coolantTemperatures = client.GetTripEngineCoolantTemperature(31826384);
Get all fuel values during a trip
var fuelLevels = client.GetTripFuelLevel(31826384);
Note: Only specific US makes and models are supporting fuel levels reporting
Edit trip tags and category
client.EditTrip(31826384, new TripEditModel()
TripTags = new List<string> { "my notes" },
TripType = ApiTripType.Business
Set specific contact / driver for a trip
client.SetDriverOnTrip(31826384, 2);
Contact Methods
All these methods are used to retrieve one or multiple contacts (drivers). Contacts is are considered a driver if they are checked-in into a vehicle.
Get all contacts/drivers
var contacts = client.GetContacts();
Get contact details by it's id
var contactDetail = client.GetContactById(2);
Get details around your self
var me = client.GetMe();
Geofence Methods
Get all geofences
var geofences = client.GetGeofences();
Get details for a specific geofence
var geofenceDetails = client.GetGeofenceById(881);
Create a geofence and associating it with the first vehicle
var coordinates = new List<GeofencePolygon.GeographicPosition>();
coordinates.Add(new GeofencePolygon.GeographicPosition() { Latitude = 37.44666232, Longitude = -122.16905397 });
coordinates.Add(new GeofencePolygon.GeographicPosition() { Latitude = 37.4536707, Longitude = -122.16150999 });
coordinates.Add(new GeofencePolygon.GeographicPosition() { Latitude = 37.44873066, Longitude = -122.15365648 });
coordinates.Add(new GeofencePolygon.GeographicPosition() { Latitude = 37.4416096, Longitude = -122.16112375 });
client.CreateGeofence(new GeofenceCreateModel()
Name = "My Palo Alto geofence",
Description = "Outside main offfice",
// if you want to associate additional vehicles check CreateVehicleGeofence
// that adds an existing geofence to a vehicle
VehicleId = 33553,
GeofencePolygon = new GeofencePolygon(coordinates),
GeofenceType = ApiGeofenceType.Outside, // supports inside, outside or both
Schedules = null // if you want to add a specific schedule
Edit a geofence
var coordinates = new List<GeofencePolygon.GeographicPosition>();
coordinates.Add(new GeofencePolygon.GeographicPosition() { Latitude = 37.44666232, Longitude = -122.16905397 });
coordinates.Add(new GeofencePolygon.GeographicPosition() { Latitude = 37.4536707, Longitude = -122.16150999 });
coordinates.Add(new GeofencePolygon.GeographicPosition() { Latitude = 37.44873066, Longitude = -122.15365648 });
coordinates.Add(new GeofencePolygon.GeographicPosition() { Latitude = 37.4416096, Longitude = -122.16112375 });
client.EditGeofence(3319, new GeofenceEditModel()
Name = "Another name",
Description = "Outside main offfice",
// if you want to associate additional vehicles check CreateVehicleGeofence
// that adds an existing geofence to a vehicle
GeofencePolygon = new GeofencePolygon(coordinates),
GeofenceType = ApiGeofenceType.Outside, // supports inside, outside or both
Schedules = null // if you want to add a specific schedule
Delete a geofence
Notification Methods
All these methods are used to retrieve one or multiple notifications. You can also create, edit, mute, unmute and delete notifications. Notifications was earlier called Triggers.
With notifications you can also easily add webhooks, the destination for a notification could be:
- Webhook (HTTP Post)
- Text
- Inbox (in Automile UI)
Webhook format
"triggerMessageHistoryId": 0,
"triggerId": 0,
"triggerType": 0,
"vehicleId": 0,
"messageData1": "",
"messageData2": ""
The message data 1 and 2 will contains data relating to the actual used notification type. If you for example use a notificiation for trip start or trip end the messageData1 will contain the actual trip id.
Get all notifications (earlier called triggers)
var notifications = client.GetNotifications();
Get details for a specific notification (earlier called triggers)
var notificationDetails = client.GetNotificationById(25173);
Create a notification
var newNotification = client.CreateNotification(new TriggerCreateModel()
IMEIConfigId = 28288, // What is this ?
// IMEIConfigId is today called DeviceId and is the device identifier
// connected to the vehicle, you can get this id from the vehicle (GetVehicleById method)
TriggerType = ApiTriggerType.Accident,
DestinationType = ApiDestinationType.Sms,
DestinationData = "+14158320378"
Why using a different identifier for notifications ? The reasons is that there are two objects, the vehicle contains all properties for a vehicle while a device (earlier called IMEIConfig) is connected to the vehicle. If you move the device to another vehicle the notifications are still valid.
Edit a notification
client.EditNotification(190914, new TriggerEditModel()
IMEIConfigId = 28288, // See note above, this is the DeviceId
TriggerType = ApiTriggerType.Accident,
DestinationType = ApiDestinationType.Sms,
DestinationData = "+14158320378"
Mute a notification
client.MuteNotification(190913,60*60); // mutes for 1 hour
Unmute a notification
Delete a notification
Notification Message Methods
This is used to get historic messages that have been sent to the destination configured.
Get all notifications messages
var notificationMessages = client.GetNotificationMessages();
Get all notifications messages for a specific notification
var forSpecificNotification = client.GetNotificationMessagesByNotificationId(148638);
Place Methods
With places you can track visits (stops) to locations and carry out certain automation rules. A place is a position (latitude and longitude) and a radius (given in metric meters).
Get all places
var places = client.GetPlaces();
Get details for a specific place
var placeDetails = client.GetPlaceById(10977);
Create a place for automation and associate it with the first vehicle
var newPlace = client.CreatePlace(new PlaceCreateModel()
Name = "My place",
Description = "My home",
PositionPoint = new PositionPointModel() { Latitude = 37.445368, Longitude = -122.166608 },
Radius = 100, //metric meters
//This will whenever the vehicle starts at this location set it to business
TripType = ApiTripType.Business,
TripTypeTrigger = ApiTripTypeTrigger.Start,
VehicleId = 33553
Edit a place
client.EditPlace(11968, new PlaceEditModel()
Name = "My place",
Description = "My home",
PositionPoint = new PositionPointModel() { Latitude = 37.445368, Longitude = -122.166608 },
Radius = 100,
TripType = ApiTripType.Business,
TripTypeTrigger = ApiTripTypeTrigger.DrivesBetween,
Delete a place
Device Methods
Devices are smartphones or/and Automile's smart boxes. Every box is attached to a vehicle. Notifications are attached to devices while places and geofences are attached to vehicles.
Get all devices
var devices = client.GetDevices();
Get details for a specific device
var deviceDetails = client.GetDeviceById(28288);
Register a device and associate it to a vehicle
var newDevice = client.CreateDevice(new IMEIConfigCreateModel()
IMEI = "353466072332998",
SerialNumber = "6070763210",
VehicleId = 33553,
IMEIDeviceType = null // no need if you register a box
Edit a device
client.EditDevice(28288, new IMEIConfigEditModel()
VehicleId = 33553
What do I use this for ? This method is used to move a device to another vehicle. Automile still apply automatic creation of vehicles and moving devices when they are moved to new vehicles. But in a cases you may want to move the device manually to another vehicle.
Delete a device
Fleet Methods
Fleets are used to divide vehicles into groups that can apply different security priviligies.
Get all fleets
var fleets = client.GetFleets();
Get details for a specific fleet
var fleetDetails = client.GetFleetById(3331);
Create a fleet and associate it with me (in this case)
var newFleet = client.CreateFleet(new CompanyCreateModel()
CreateRelationshipToContactId = 2,
Description = "Some good description for the fleet",
RegisteredCompanyName = "My new fleet"
Edit a fleet
client.EditFleet(3331, new CompanyEditModel()
Description = "Test",
RegisteredCompanyName = "Automile Palo Alto Fleet"
Delete a fleet
Attach Geofence Methods
A geofence can have one or many included vehicles which are called relationships. These methods allows you to list, get, create, edit and delete these relationships.
Get all vehicle geofences - relationships between a vehicle and a geofence
var vehicleGeofencesRelationships = client.GetVehicleGeofencesByGeofenceId(3276);
Get all relationships to vehicles for a specific geofence
var vehicleGeofenceRelationships = client.GetVehicleGeofenceById(44251);
Create a relationship between a vehicle and a geofence
var newVehicleGeofenceRelationship = client.CreateVehicleGeofence(new VehicleGeofenceCreateModel()
GeofenceId = 3276,
VehicleId = 33553,
// Restrict when this geofence should be valid from and to if needed
ValidFrom = null,
ValidTo = null
Edit a vehicle geofence relationship
client.EditVehicleGeofence(44251, new VehicleGeofenceEditModel()
ValidFrom = DateTime.UtcNow,
ValidTo = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(30)
Delete a vehicle geofence relationship
Attach Places Methods
A place can have one or many included vehicles which are called relationships. These methods allows you to list, get, create, edit and delete these relationships. A vehicle that has a relationship to a place also have it's own radius and automation settings.
Get all vehicle places - relationships between a vehicle and a place
var vehiclePlacesRelationships = client.GetVehiclePlaceById(10977);
Get all relationships to vehicles for a specific place
var vehiclePlaceRelationships = client.GetVehiclePlacesByPlaceId(44251);
Create a relationship between a vehicle and a geofence
var newVehiclePlace = client.CreateVehiclePlace(new VehiclePlaceCreateModel()
PlaceId = 10977,
VehicleId = 33553,
Description = "Some description",
Radius = 100,
TripType = ApiTripType.Business,
TripTypeTrigger = ApiTripTypeTrigger.Start
Edit a vehicle place relationship
client.EditVehiclePlace(30567, new VehiclePlaceEditModel()
Description = "Some description",
Radius = 100,
TripType = ApiTripType.Business,
TripTypeTrigger = ApiTripTypeTrigger.DrivesBetween,
DrivesBetweenAnotherPlaceId = 10979
Delete a vehicle place relationship
Attach Driver Methods
A fleet can have one or multiple drivers (contacts) and one or multiple vehicles.
Get all drivers - relationships between all fleets and all drivers
var allFleetDrivers = client.GetFleetContacts();
Get specific driver relationships
var specificDriverRelationship = client.GetFleetContactById(2);
Get all drivers for specific fleet - relationships between specific fleet and all drivers
var allDriversForSpecificFleet = client.GetFleetContactsByFleetId(10);
Create a relationship between a driver and a fleet
var newFleetContact = client.CreateFleetContact(new CompanyContactCreateModel()
CompanyId = 10,
ContactId = 2
Edit a driver and fleet relationship
client.EditFleetContact(10398, new CompanyContactEditModel()
CompanyId = 11,
ContactId = 2
Delete a driver fleet relationship
Device Events Methods
Device events are a number of events like connect, disconnect, mileage indicator lamp (MIL on/off), diagnostic trouble codes (DTC).
Get all device events
var deviceEvents = client.GetDeviceEvents();
Getting details about a status event (connected or disconnected)
var deviceStatusEvent = client.GetDeviceEventStatusById(1138161);
Getting details about a mileage indicator lamp (MIL) event (on or off)
var deviceMILEvent = client.GetDeviceEventMILById(1138162);
Getting details about a diagnostic trouble code (DTC) event
var deviceDTCEvent = client.GetDeviceEventDTCById(1138213);
Publish Subscribe Methods
Note: Currentley in alpha.
Publish subscribe mimics a message queuing system that allows you to create subscribers that whenever a message is published will repost the message to your endpoint. The publish subscribe framework is more resilient compared to simpler web hooks (that are available as part of our notifications) and allows for anonymous, basic, bearer and Salesforce specific authentication. It also allows for configurable retries and also extends to cover modification and creation of certain objects.
Publish subscribe guranteee that messages received have been fully processed in Automile's microservice architecture which means you can assume all properties have been set and calculated.
All published messages contains two common properties called PublishMessageType and PublishMessageDateTimeUtc.
PublishMessageType will contain information what kind of message you are receiving:
- TripStartMessage = 0,
- TripEndMessage = 1,
- VehicleModified = 2,
- VehicleCreated = 3,
- DriverModified = 4,
- DriverCreated = 5
PublishMessageDateTimeUtc is the date and time (UTC) when the message was published.
Get all publish subscribe records
var publishSubscribeRecords = client.GetPublishSubscribe();
Get details about a specific publish subscribe record
var detailsPublishSubscribeRecord = client.GetPublishSubscribeById(1);
Create a new subscription with anonymous authentication (several overloads available)
var newSubscription = client.CreatePublishSubscribe("");
Edit a subscription (pointing to an endpoint requiring basic authentication)
var newSubscription = client.CreatePublishSubscribe("http:/your_basic_auth_endpoint",
new PublishSubscribeAuthenticationData_Basic()
Username = "username",
Password = "password"
Delete a subscription (will also delete queued messages)
Format for Trip End message
"PublishMessageType": 1,
"PublishMessageDateTimeUtc": "2017-02-11T04:04:36.926967Z",
"TripId": 32575162,
"VehicleId": 33553,
"DriverContactId": null,
"TripStartDateTime": "2017-02-11T01:14:44",
"TripStartTimeZone": -8,
"TripEndDateTime": "2017-02-11T01:21:40",
"TripEndTimeZone": -8,
"TripStartFormattedAddress": "2809-2811 Middlefield Rd, Palo Alto, CA 94306, USA",
"TripEndFormattedAddress": "829 Thornwood Dr, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA",
"TripStartCustomAddress": null,
"TripEndCustomAddress": null,
"TripLengthInKilometers": 2,
"TripType": 0,
"TripTags": null,
"FuelInLiters": null,
"IdleTimeInSecondsAllTrip": 123,
"IdleTimeInSecondsFromStart": 30,
"CustomCategory": null,
"TripLengthInMinutes": 7,
"TripStartLongitude": -122.127766666667,
"TripStartLatitude": 37.4326833333333,
"TripEndLongitude": -122.114066666667,
"TripEndLatitude": 37.4287666666667
Format for Trip Start message
"PublishMessageType": 0,
"PublishMessageDateTimeUtc": "2017-02-11T03:48:12.0845446Z",
"TripId": 32575162,
"VehicleId": 33553,
"DriverContactId": null,
"TripStartDateTime": "2017-02-11T01:14:44",
"TripStartTimeZone": -8,
"TripStartFormattedAddress": "2809-2811 Middlefield Rd, Palo Alto, CA 94306, USA",
"TripStartLongitude": -122.127766666667,
"TripStartLatitude": 37.4326833333333
Format for Vehicle modified and created
For modified PublishMessageType will be 2.
"PublishMessageType": 3,
"PublishMessageDateTimeUtc": "2017-02-11T03:50:46.284724Z",
"VehicleId": 33553,
"VehicleIdentificationNumber": "WA1DGAFE5FD019516",
"NumberPlate": "7GDC324",
"Make": "Audi",
"Model": "Q7",
"OwnerContactId": null,
"OwnerCompanyId": null,
"CurrentOdometerInKilometers": 1558.06,
"UserVehicleIdentificationNumber": null,
"ModelYear": 2015,
"BodyStyle": null,
"FuelType": 1,
"DefaultTripType": 0,
"AllowAutomaticUpdates": true,
"DefaultPrivacyPolicyType": null,
"CheckedInContactId": null,
"MakeImageUrl": "",
"AllowSpeedRecording": true,
"Nickname": "Jens",
"CategoryColor": 2591227,
"Tags": "Oakland clients, test"
The task message details are returned By taskMessageId
var TaskMessage = client.GetByTaskMessageId(7194);
Create a task Message
var newTaskMessage = client.CreateTaskMessage(new TaskMessageCreateModel()
TaskId = 1546,
MessageText = "Hello World",
Position = new PositionModel
Latitude = 37.44,
Longitude = -122.143
Edit task Message
int testTaskMessageId = 7194;
TaskMessageModel TaskMessage = client.GetByTaskMessageId(testTaskMessageId);
client.EditTaskMessage(TaskMessage.TaskMessageId, new TaskMessageEditModel()
IsRead = false
Get Trip Summary Report
IEnumerable<TripSummaryReportModel> TripSummaryReport = client.GetTripSummaryReport(2014);
Get Trip Summary Report By VehicleId
IEnumerable<TripSummaryReportModel> TripSummaryReportByVehicleId = client.GetTripSummaryReportByVehicleId(2014, 19);
Get Vehicles Summary Report
VehiclesSummaryModel VehiclesSummary = client.GetVehiclesSummaryReport(2014);
Get Vehicle Summary Report By VehicleId
VehicleSummaryModel VehicleSummary = client.GetVehicleSummaryReportByVehicleId(2014, 19);
Email Trip Report
client.EmailTripReport(new EmailTripReportModel()
VehicleId = 19,
Period = 201401,
ToEmail = "[email protected]",
ISO639LanguageCode = "en",
ExcludeDetailsForPersonalTrips = true,
ExcludeEnvironmentalAndFuelData = true
Get Log of GeoFences the user is authorized to. GetGeofenceLog
GeofenceReportModel GeofenceReport = client.GetGeofenceLog(19,3561,DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(1),DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(2));
Get Expense Reports
IEnumerable<ExpenseReportModel> ExpenseReports = client.GetExpenseReports();
Get a Expense Report
ExpenseReportModel ExpenseReport = client.GetExpenseReportById(ExpenseReports.First().ExpenseReportId);