Michael Hammond
Michael Hammond
> > > > Sorry, I wasn't clear. What I meant was what does the statement look like where you're actually adding the model? > > I.E. The part where...
It's not exactly the same as my model, that's for sure. There's a couple similarities. When I have time (which probably won't happen for a while) I'll have to look...
Even if you don't manage to get anything working, the fact that you tried something and failed means we (the internet) know not to try that thing again. And this...
@nk-fouque when I get time, what I'll probably do is fork the code and try to get the library working for real. As it stands I can't do that ATM...
@dannyneil I'm going to have to take a look at this in when I have time. I only used this library because it was the only thing available that was...
> > > Ah I finally found what made it almost work the first time, the secret was in the imports > This package is built by importing "pure" keras...
@zd23 This is the code that ended up solving this issue for me. ``` # time-gate self.timegate_kernel = self.add_weight( shape=(3, self.units), name='timegate_kernel', initializer=self.timegate_initializer, regularizer=self.timegate_regularizer, constraint=self.timegate_constraint) self.built = True` ``` The...
This isn't the best solution in the world and not exactly what you asked, but what about writing a .bat file with sed/awk to get the ID string and run...
Hello, you've probably forgotten about this post @oxodao since it's been more than 6 years since you wrote this. I have a small amount of Android experience via Godot Engine...
@InfoTeddy sounds good. I was held up for a while but I'll let you know ASAP when and if I make a breakthrough. I'm looking into the libraries now. @oxodao...