Austin St. Aubin
Austin St. Aubin
Looks like is a server issue, was able to solve with help from http://localhost:1880/projects/PROJECTNAME/branches/remote
Testing tonight. Thank-you!
What path does AtomicParsley need to be installed to?
I love using ChiliPeppr, but I also like option to use other control software. Additionally I would like to use Serial Port JSON Server to connect to my 3D printer...
A Serial Port JSON Client for my workstation [Macbook w/ macOS], that I can use to connect to another computer that is running Serial Port JSON Server. [Macbook w/ macOS...
Updated the [cncjs-pi-raspbian]( install script. See for guide. Works with: - NodeJS: v18.19.0 - NPM: v9.2.0
Try using the sample certs ``` # Run serial-port-json-server (ports 8989 & 8990) GOPATH_SPJS="$GOPATH/src/" cd $GOPATH_SPJS pwd $GOPATH_SPJS/serial-port-json-server -regex "ttyAC|usb" -scert $GOPATH_SPJS/sample-cert.pem -skey $GOPATH_SPJS/sample-key.pem -v # Start using included cert...
As a community thought, I would think having a min/max/auto option for quantity of speakers would be goods.
Additinally, the common chipset for RGBW LEDs is [SK6812](