
Results 12 comments of AuroraLantean

Thank you for your post... but "ts-mocha": "9.0.0" results in the same error as above.

Hi @piotrwitek , thank you for your quick reply. Please take the following code: Thank you!

You need to specify the `--rpc-port` in your network file in Zombienet tests. See how I can specify port 6969 to be my collator RPC port: ``` [parachains.collator] name =...

@pepoviola I just found out that specifying RPC port in parachain by `rpc_port = 6969` is ignored by zombienet-linux v1.2.58, but not ignored by zombienet-linux v1.2.56... could you confirm? Also...

Hello Jarred, I have extracted my code into a new repo. Please see the new repo link above. After adding the new bunfig.toml file and running with `bun run dev`,...

For Top-Right, just remove `sm:top-auto sm:bottom-0` from the Shadcn toast.tsx. So the result would be: ``` "fixed top-0 z-[100] flex max-h-screen w-full flex-col-reverse p-4 sm:right-0 sm:flex-col md:max-w-[420px]", ``` The above...

I have solved this with Ethers.js 6.8.0 and Infura: ``` network = "sepolia" infuraApiKey = '1234...' provider = new ethers.InfuraProvider(network, infuraApiKey); // InfuraProvider() does not behave the same way as...

in your Anchor.toml file: ``` [scripts] test1 = "yarn run ts-mocha -p ./tsconfig.json -t 1000000 tests/test1.ts" test2 = "yarn run ts-mocha -p ./tsconfig.json -t 1000000 tests/test2.ts" test3 = "yarn run...

This error came back in 2023 after the previous post here from 2022 August. `anchor run test1` now gave me `Error: failed to get recent blockhash: TypeError: fetch failed` !!??...

From [this post]( One workaround is to run `anchor localnet` to perform the build, start-validator, and deploy before running `anchor run test1`. That is close, but can it be even...