Those are strange symptoms. what are your stepper drivers? what are the jumpers for the stepper drivers set to? how did you calibrate the steps per millimeter? are you using...
The next thing would be to verify the wire order for your steppers. then I would verify firmware settings for the proper drivers for each axis. this tango board is...
Just a note. Closing All 3 rows means u are micro stepping at 1/32. so your firmware and feedrate need to be adjusted
Also, when I said to check the wires for each stepper I meant to verify AaBb wires correspond to the driver output. you may need to adjust wires at the...
Endstops are either NO or NC. Ideally you want normally closed. If the switch fails the board will detect a constant problem. So first I would set my limit switches...
Configuration.h values: #define MOTHERBOARD BOARD_RUMBA #define X_DRIVER_TYPE (YOUR STEPPER DRIVER HERE) #define REVERSE_MENU_DIRECTION #define DISPLAY_CHARSET_HD44780 WESTERN #define LCD_LANGUAGE en #define X_MIN_ENDSTOP_INVERTING false // set to true to invert the logic...
If any of your steppers move in reverse look for any of these items and swap your values needed #define INVERT_X_DIR TRUE/FALSE #define INVERT_Y_DIR TRUE/FALSE #define INVERT_Z_DIR TRUE/FALSE #define INVERT_E0_DIR...
Google CP210xVCPInstaller_x64 for the 64bit version. Try that. Mine works fine.