ARCoreData copied to clipboard
The easist way to use core data!
This library is deprecated!!!Do not use.
- ARCoreData is a library to make CoreData easily. we can become a good friend with CoreData now. Don't need any config,just enjoy a high performance object storage。
Primary Key
Auto Mapping (attribute,relationship)
Multi Thread Safety
Async fetch
ARTableViewFetchResultController (a convenience class to replace NSFetchResultControler for UITableView)
ARCollectionViewFetchResultController (a convenience class to replace NSFetchResultControler for UICollectionView)
just drag ARCoreData to your project and edit you model , do not need to config any others
Import: #import "ARCoreData.h"
- pod 'ARCoreData', :git => ''
Getting start
Creat a new object
+ (id)AR_new;
+ (id)AR_newInContext:(NSManagedObjectContext *)context;
+ (id)AR_newOrUpdateWithJSON:(id)JSON inContext:(NSManagedObjectContext *)context;
+ (NSArray *)AR_newOrUpdateWithJSONs:(NSArray *)JSONs inContext:(NSManagedObjectContext *)context;
+ (id)AR_newOrUpdateWithJSON:(id)JSON relationshipMergePolicy:(ARRelationshipMergePolicy)policy inContext:(NSManagedObjectContext *)context;
+ (NSArray *)AR_newOrUpdateWithJSONs:(NSArray *)JSONs relationshipsMergePolicy:(ARRelationshipMergePolicy)policy inContext:(NSManagedObjectContext *)context;
@protocol ARManageObjectMappingProtocol <NSObject>
+(NSDictionary *)JSONKeyPathsByPropertyKey;
+(NSSet *)uniquedPropertyKeys;
you have seen ARManageObjectMappingProtocol, yes, this protocol has two methods, like famous mapping library Mantle, but it must be faster than Mantle. You just need to implement and use these two methods, it will automatically transfrom a JSON(s) or KVC object(s) to NSManageObject(s) instance. Overall, it's very easy and safe.
I have implemented some methods, you can use server response directly to create an(or a array) manageObject(s), there are some methods you can use to sync JSONs to persistance store (.sqlite):
+ (id)AR_newOrUpdateWithJSON:(id)JSON inContext:(NSManagedObjectContext *)context;
+ (NSArray *)AR_newOrUpdateWithJSONs:(NSArray *)JSONs relationshipsMergePolicy:(ARRelationshipMergePolicy)policy inContext:(NSManagedObjectContext *)context;
Note: you can create a custom mapping for you CoreData model's attribute or relationships like Mantle. Check more details in the demo.
Fetching objects
+(NSArray *)AR_all;
+(NSArray *)AR_whereProperty:(NSString *)property
+(NSArray *)AR_where:(NSString *)condition,...;
NSArray *allPersons = [Person AR_all];
NSArray *persons = [Person AR_where:@"name = %@",@"a name"];
NSArray *persons = [Person AR_whereProperty:@"guid" equalTo:@3];
and so on !!!
Saving objects
* sync
//NSManageObjectID is thread safety
[Person AR_saveAndWait:^(NSManagedObjectContext *currentContext) {
Dog *deleteDog = (Dog *)[currentContext existingObjectWithID:objectID error:nil];
[currentContext deleteObject:deleteDog];
* async
[Person AR_save:^(NSManagedObjectContext *currentContext) {
[Person AR_newOrUpdateWithJSON:@{@"n":name,
@"extra":@34}}]} inContext:currentContext];
} completion:^(NSError *error) {
ARLog(@"all person count is %lu",(unsigned long)[Person AR_count]);
ARLog(@"all dogs count is %lu",(unsigned long)[Dog AR_count]);
there have more methods I have created, you can see it in the Demo project after. This library also works in Swift!