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Recordmp3js copied to clipboard

blank and silent time frame is added after convert to mp3

Open MattAtRiversoft opened this issue 9 years ago • 11 comments

For example I record 10 seconds, after converted to mp3, it will get extra 10 blank second.

MattAtRiversoft avatar Sep 21 '14 16:09 MattAtRiversoft

Same issue here.. Any luck anyone..???

vipul-mishra-zz avatar Oct 14 '14 14:10 vipul-mishra-zz

+1 on this issue. If anyone has a solution, please share it.

ashishpuliyel avatar Oct 20 '14 13:10 ashishpuliyel

Had the same issue and because of the fact that the author doesn't reply here is my solution:

Open js/libmp3lame.min.js Find the following line (nearly at the bottom)

a=Module.ccall("lame_encode_buffer_ieee_float","number","number number number number number number".split(" "), [a,c,g,b.length,f,1024E3]);

And replace it with:

a=Module.ccall("lame_encode_buffer_ieee_float","number","number number number number number number".split(" "), [a,c,g,b.length/2,f,1024E3]);

(As you can see, the only difference is that b.length becomes b.length/2)

I've tested it and the plugin doesn't add extra time any more and it converts to mp3 without problem.


miwels avatar Nov 05 '14 17:11 miwels

Thanks @miwels - that works for me as well.

ashishpuliyel avatar Nov 18 '14 12:11 ashishpuliyel

Worked, thanks @miwels

BondaCB avatar Nov 19 '14 16:11 BondaCB

Thanks @miwels, worked for me too!

geirman avatar Dec 06 '14 18:12 geirman

Thanks @miwels!

fdulger avatar Jan 20 '15 09:01 fdulger

This fix isn't working for me in Firefox 37.0.1 at least.

circuitrider avatar Apr 16 '15 01:04 circuitrider

Also doesn't work for me in chrome 42.0.2311.135

ScottCrass avatar May 12 '15 22:05 ScottCrass

try my forked version. I've not tested on firefox, but it definitely works on chrome.

geirman avatar May 12 '15 23:05 geirman

Ah there we go, thanks for working on this. Super handy.

ScottCrass avatar May 13 '15 00:05 ScottCrass