UyghurScript copied to clipboard
a toy programming language written in c, u can write & run your script by uyghur, uzbek, turkish, kazakh language grammars ...
0. description
a toy script interpreter written in c, u can write & run your script written in uyghur language grammar with it ...
there is a vscode extension for highlighting and autocompleting.
1. usage
run command
./release/uyghur.exe ./examples/
to execute hello world -
run command
./release/uyghur.exe ./examples/
to execute raylib binding -
double cick
to run clock program
- double cick
to run calculator program
2. variable declaration
# declare
miqdar m qimmiti quruq bolsun
# free
m qimmiti quruq bolsun
3. type conversion
miqdar m qimmiti [yezish] bolsun
# get func by string
m qimmiti fonkisiye bolsun
ikrangha m yezilsun
# convert value to boolean
m qimmiti logika bolsun
ikrangha m yezilsun
4. calculator
# arthimetic
x = 1 + 2 # 3
x = 1 + 2 * 3 # 9
x = 1 + (2 * 3) # 7
x = 64 ^ (1 / 3) # 4
# bitwise
x = 3 & 2 # 2
x = 3 | 2 # 3
x = 3 ~ 2 # 1
# boolean
x = rast & yalghan # yalghan
x = rast | yalghan # rast
x = rast ~ yalghan # rast
# logic
x = [2] ? 2 # false
x = 2 < 3 # true
x = [ab] > [ac] # false
# string
x = [ab] + [cd] # abcd
x = [ab] * 2 # abab
5. operations
# read a value
ikrandin sQimmet oqulsun
# print a value
ikrangha sQimmet yezilsun
6. io
# output
ikrangha [Ana Tilim Zer Tilim!] yezilsun
# input
ikrandin a oqulsun
a qimmiti [mezmun:] ulanghan a bolsun
ikrangha a yezilsun
7. if
eger 0 bolsa
ikrangha [if] yezilsun
egerde rast bosa
ikrangha [elif] yezilsun
ikrangha [else] yezilsun
8. while
nawada rast bolsa
ikrangha [while] yezilsun
9. exception
xataliq e mezmuni
x = 3 / 0
# return e == empty if no exception
eger e bolsa
ikrangha [exception:] yezilsun
ikrangha e yezilsun
ikrangha [successful!] yezilsun
# exception: cannot devided by zero
10. functions
# a global variable
miqdar yighinda qimmiti 0 bolsun
# a function with two arguments
fonkisiye sanQushush miqdar x y mezmuni
yighinda = x + y
netije yighinda qayturulsun
# a string varibale of function name
funcName qimmiti [sanYezish] bolsun
# get function by string value
funcName qimmiti fonkisiye bolsun
# call functions and receive result
fonkisiye funcName bilen 10 20 ishlitilsun we netije result bolsun
# print the result value received
ikrangha result yezilsun
11. box
# declare a box
s qimmiti sanduq bolsun
# put a number
@s[yighinda] qimmiti 123 bolsun
# set a method
fonkisiye @s[sinaqFonkisiye] miqdar x y mezmuni
@-[yighinda] = x + y
# this box pointer: -, find in binding box
# this module pointer: +, find in current module
# global box pointer: *, find in global scope
# supported key types: variable, string, number
12. bridge
u can get the bridge objet and communicate between c and script, just check
for more information
- register a box to script
Bridge_bindValue(bridge, "num", "text...");
Bridge_bindValue(bridge, "str", "text...");
Bridge_register(bridge, "boxName"); // NULL for global scope
- call script function from c, and get the result
Bridge_pushValue(bridge, "argument");
Bridge_call(bridge, "functionName");
char resultType = Bridge_topType(bridge);
void *resultValue = Bridge_receiveValue(bridge);
- call c function from script, and return result
void testFunc(Bridge *bridge)
int a = Bridge_receiveNumber(bridge);
int b = Bridge_receiveNumber(bridge);
int c = a + b;
Bridge_returnNumber(bridge, c);
Bridge_bindNative(bridge, "sinaqFonkisiye", testFunc);
Bridge_register(bridge, NULL);
13. import
ikrangha [bolek programmidin salam ...] yezilsun
bolektikiQimmet qimmiti [bolektiki sinaq qimmet ...] bolsun
ikrangha [bash programmidin salam ...] yezilsun
fonkisiye ekirish bilen [../] ishlitilsun we netije bolekSanduq bolsun
ikrangha @bolekSanduq[bolektikiQimmet] yezilsun
# run the program
`.uyghur.exe ./`
# get the result
bash programmidin salam ...
bolek programmidin salam ...
bolektiki sinaq qimmet ...
-2. todo
- objective
- libraries
- ...
-1. others
i am still working on it ...