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7th Place Solution for Jigsaw Unintended Bias in Toxicity Classification on Kaggle
Jigsaw Unintended Bias in Toxicity Classification
This respository contains my code for competition in kaggle.
7th Place Solution for Jigsaw Unintended Bias in Toxicity Classification
Team: Abhishek Thakur, Duy, R0seNb1att, atfujita
All models(Team)
Public LB: 0.94729(3rd)
Private LB: 0.94660(7th)
Note: This repository contains only my models and only train script.
My models(5 Model averaging)
Public LB: 0.94719
Private LB: 0.94651
Thanks to Abhishek and Duy's wonderful models and support, I was able to get better results.
Set up
- Particularly important libraries are listed in requirements.txt
I created 5 models
- Based on the Quora competition model
- Architecture: LSTM + GRU + Self Attention + Max pooling
- Word embeddings: concat glove and fasttext.
- Optimizer: AdamW
- Train:
- max_len = 220
- n_splits = 10
- batch_size = 512
- train_epochs = 7
- base_lr, max_lr = 0.0005, 0.003
- Weight Decay = 0.0001
- Learning schedule: CyclicLR
- The model is based on yuval reina's graet kernel
- Changes are loss function and preprocessing.
- I created 4 BERT models.
- BERT-Base Uncased
- BERT-Base Cased
- BERT-Large Uncased(Whole Word Masking)
- BERT-Large Cased(Whole Word Masking)
- Train:
- max_len = 220
- train samples = 1.7M, val samples= 0.1M
- batch_size = 32(Base), 4(Large)
- accumulation_steps = 1(Base), 16(Large)
- train_epochs = 2
- lr = 2e-5
Worked well
The loss function was very important in this competition.
In fact, all winners used different loss functions.
My loss function is below.
y_columns = ['target']
y_aux_train = train_df[['target', 'severe_toxicity', 'obscene',
'identity_attack', 'insult',
y_aux_train = y_aux_train.fillna(0)
identity_columns = [
'male', 'female', 'homosexual_gay_or_lesbian', 'christian', 'jewish',
'muslim', 'black', 'white', 'psychiatric_or_mental_illness']
# Overall
weights = np.ones((len(train_df),)) / 4
# Subgroup
weights += (train_df[identity_columns].fillna(0).values >= 0.5).sum(
axis=1).astype(bool).astype(np.int) / 4
# Background Positive, Subgroup Negative
weights += (((train_df['target'].values >= 0.5).astype(bool).astype(np.int) +
(train_df[identity_columns].fillna(0).values < 0.5).sum(
axis=1).astype(bool).astype(np.int)) > 1).astype(
bool).astype(np.int) / 4
# Background Negative, Subgroup Positive
weights += (((train_df['target'].values < 0.5).astype(bool).astype(np.int) +
(train_df[identity_columns].fillna(0).values >= 0.5).sum(
axis=1).astype(bool).astype(np.int)) > 1).astype(
bool).astype(np.int) / 4
y_train = np.vstack(
[(train_df['target'].values >= 0.5).astype(np.int), weights]).T
y_train = np.hstack([y_train, y_aux_train])
def custom_loss(data, targets):
''' Define custom loss function for weighted BCE on 'target' column '''
bce_loss_1 = nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss(
weight=targets[:, 1:2])(data[:, :1], targets[:, :1])
bce_loss_2 = nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss()(data[:, 1:2], targets[:, 2:3])
bce_loss_3 = nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss()(data[:, 2:3], targets[:, 3:4])
bce_loss_4 = nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss()(data[:, 3:4], targets[:, 4:5])
bce_loss_5 = nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss()(data[:, 4:5], targets[:, 5:6])
bce_loss_6 = nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss()(data[:, 5:6], targets[:, 6:7])
bce_loss_7 = nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss()(data[:, 6:7], targets[:, 7:8])
bce_loss_8 = nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss()(data[:, 7:8], targets[:, 8:9])
return bce_loss_1 + bce_loss_2 + bce_loss_3 + bce_loss_4 \
+ bce_loss_5 + bce_loss_6 + bce_loss_7 + bce_loss_8