sweetify-django copied to clipboard
Sweetify customClass
Is there a way to add one time option for customClass{} ? better not repeating this for every single message. Thanks in advance.
request, title='Error.', text='Text',
persistent="Close", customClass={
'icon': 'dark:color-pink-600',
'popup': 'dark:bg-slate-900 dark:text-slate-200',
I did it like this, if there is a better way plz share.
def sweeify_alert(request, tag, title, text, **kwargs):
sweetify_functions = {
'success': sweetify.success,
'warning': sweetify.warning,
'error': sweetify.error,
'toast': sweetify.toast,
'info': sweetify.info
kwargs['text'] = text
kwargs['title'] = title
kwargs['showConfirmButton'] = True
kwargs['timerProgressBar'] = False
kwargs['allowOutsideClick'] = True
kwargs['width'] = 500
kwargs['padding'] = '3em'
kwargs['timer'] = None
kwargs['backdrop'] = True
sweetify_func = sweetify_functions.get(tag, sweetify.info)
if tag == 'success' or tag == 'toast':
kwargs['timer'] = 4000
kwargs['showConfirmButton'] = False
return sweetify_func(request, customClass={
'icon': 'mt-0',
'popup': 'dark:bg-slate-900 dark:text-slate-200 px-2 py-12',
'confirmButton': 'px-12',
}, **kwargs)