atomicstrykers-minecraft-mods copied to clipboard
Error - Stalker Creepers 1.21.1NF - NeoForge
The NeoForge version of the mod "stalkercreepers-1.21.1NF.jar" is not correct, it identifies itself as a Forge mod.
Error: Line 27 [00:34:02.991] [main/WARN] [loading.moddiscovery.ModDiscoverer/SCAN]: Skipping jar. File /home/container/mods/QL_SS-ASG-Stalker_Creepers-NeoForge-MC1.21-v1.21.1NF.jar is for an old version of Minecraft Forge and cannot be loaded
I tested it without any other mod installed. I hope it helps. 2024-08-03-1.log