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Jira 9 breaks creating Jira issues
Get-JiraIssueCreateMetadata fails in Jira Version 9.0 according to a short research its because the used API is deprecreated
Steps To Reproduce
Run Get-JiraIssueCreateMetadata against a Jira Server with Version 9.0 or higher
Expected behavior
Get the Meta Data needed to create an Issue
Your Environment
Jira 9.0
Get-Module JiraPS -ListAvailable | Select Name, Version
Name Version
JiraPS 2.14.6
Name Value
PSVersion 7.2.5 PSEdition Core GitCommitId 7.2.5 OS Microsoft Windows 10.0.22000 Platform Win32NT PSCompatibleVersions {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0…} PSRemotingProtocolVersion 2.3 SerializationVersion WSManStackVersion 3.0
Possible Solution
Jira Server not cloud btw
Same for 9.1. I also discovered that the API call used by Get-JiraIssueCreateMetadata was not only deprecated but missing entirely. I was already making some local changes to use the new API call when I saw your post. The workaround does work after also making changes to the ConvertTo-JiraCreateMetaField for the different structure.
I have the same problem! @rjl61 would you please share what changes have you made to solve the problem? It's pretty urgent for me! Thanks!
Is there any chance that we will see a solution for this issue? @rjl61: Could you please provide your solution? Thanks.
@jcrivas1971 @saeid-adz This is my solution. I have not significantly tested this but it seems to work for my purposes. https://github.com/spicy/JiraPS/commit/fc2632c1f21b3867667197ec2c8e77b266e60e69
@spicy Thanks mate! Worked for me too! I have several types of connection and automation based on this module and I can confirm that the issues have been solved by using your solution! Thanks again!
@saeid-adz: I am sorry but I guess you have to thank @spicy. @spicy: I will try the solution next week. Thanks in advance for your work.
@jcrivas1971 Thanks mate, I selected the wrong userId! edited now :)
@spicy: It took a while but I was able to test your fix today. It works perfectly!! Thanks a lot.
@spicy I need to integrate this fix today into my local WindowsPowerShell\Modules\JiraPS\2.14.6\JiraPS.psm1, what's the right way to do this? Or can we somehow get a fixed module?
@spicy I need to integrate this fix today into my local WindowsPowerShell\Modules\JiraPS\2.14.6\JiraPS.psm1, what's the right way to do this? Or can we somehow get a fixed module?
I don't think this project is being supported since my merge request was not accepted yet. You can just copy my code and modify the function if it's visible. Otherwise you can put the new function in a new ps1 to call instead. Hope this helps
You can just copy my code and modify the function if it's visible. Otherwise you can put the new function in a new ps1 to call instead.
@spicy Thanks - I did try that locally, made the edits to "function Get-JiraIssueCreateMetadata" but the error still shows up, so I must be doing something wrong. We (along with many others) very much need this fixed.
Any idea how to build an updated module using your fixed code?
Can anyone help with this?
@mwoffenden: spicy forked the original project and provided a fixed version. Instead of a local edit you should probably try to use his version or just the corrected file? You could download the whole project as a zip file and either copy the whole directory or just the above mentioned file. Just go to spicy/JIRAPS. I hope this helps.
@jcrivas1971 Yes, we finally did download the code and made the edits locally, this solution seems to be working for us. However I can imagine that the ideal is to have the master JiraPS brought up to date so that people downloading from the Powerhsell gallery can have a working version.
So what's the status with proper Jira 9 support, @lipkau?
Same issue here. What I can see, this is related to this change: https://confluence.atlassian.com/jiracore/createmeta-rest-endpoint-to-be-removed-975040986.html
We've created a workaround for our use case, and we use this internally. Not sure if this covers all cases and if it is a complete workaround. Anyway, if someone finds that helpful: https://github.com/arcadech/JiraPS/commit/5d2805357475c4564ef013d4a36e497d23f68595
@claudiospizzi ; thank you so much for this. I hope the maintainers find room to get the CICD pipeline up and running again so your pull-request can get processed. Your change fixed our situation.