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Confluence REST API (including Cloud) via PowerShell

Results 63 ConfluencePS issues
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### Description The discussion in #175 links to a ticket in the "official" Confluence Server JIRA describing a workaround by surrounding the `label` in the request by double quotes. ###...

Authenticating to confluence cloud is different than to an on prem server, and I and others do not know how to do it in ConfluencePS. Instructions on how to do...

The Azure pipeline is broken due to `server-2016` decommissioning, see ref: Below you can find the error text. ``` ##[error]This is a scheduled windows-2016 brownout. The windows-2016 environment is...

The [BuildTools.psm1]( module of yours is defined in the build script. Then [BuildHelpers]( module is imported 3 lines later. However they both have the same command, `Publish-GithubRelease` with...

…ease function The builds fail due to a conflict of two modules have same function with different parameters. This PR is a simple attempt to change the default build script...

## Description As it seems, ConfluencePS doesn't support yet if the corporate Wiki is behind ADFS authentication. `Get-ConfluenceSpace -SpaceKey "space_id"` raises exception: ``` ConvertFrom-Json : Invalid JSON primitive: . At...

I created a draft powershell script that called the following in the `begin{}` block: `Set-ConfluenceInfo -BaseURi "$baseUri" -Credential $ConfluenceCredential` Then in the `process{}` block I would use Get-ConfluencePage and Set-ConfluencePage...

I'm working on automating the documentation of our VCS (Perforce) architecture. I built powershell functions around a templated hierarchy of pages on a confluence space to find the correct page...

Get-ConfluenceAttachment -ApiUri -Credential [-PageID] [-FileNameFilter ] [-MediaTypeFilter ] [-Skip ] [-First ] [-PageSize ] [-IncludeTotalCount] ConvertTo-Attachment : Cannot convert value "5206343689" to type "System.UInt32". Error: "Value is too big or...

## Description Fix issue [#193]. ## Types of changes - [X] Bug fix (non-breaking change which fixes an issue) - [ ] New feature (non-breaking change which adds functionality) -...