Hi, @AlyaGomaa since no one has been assigned to this issue, is it okay if I begin working on this
would it be fine if I just define a seperate function within flowmldetection.py which does the above and returns a list of whitelisted IPs? or would we prefer creating a...
hi @mike-hunhoff i did follow the steps to install my version of capa (in editable mode) and the dependencies and then continued to run the pre commit command to see...
@mike-hunhoff sorry for the absence have been busy with school, I think I will try running the changed version and see if its working alright, and then move on to...
hi @HongThatCong @williballenthin , if it hasn't been assigned yet I would love taking a hack at it
Hi @mr-tz sorry for my confusion but I think eventually I would have to have access to IDA Pro to run the prewritten tests after making changes to these plugins(i.e...
thanks a lot @HongThatCong I will check the build out if I face issues or I end up needing help on testing I will reply here . Thanks for the...
Would modifying the process_features( ) method to check for IPs in the host field of HTTP flows be enough to enhance the existing code, we can identify the HTTP flows...
hi is this issue still open to contribute to @mike-hunhoff
oh okay then @mike-hunhoff i guess I can work on it on the side , and discussing my proposed solution here wouldn't hurt right , haha