win32gui icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
win32gui copied to clipboard

A tiny, header-only, Win32 API wrapper library that assists in building native GUI components for Windows platform.


Instead of writing CreateWindowEx everywhere and remebering all the constants, flags, and messages that go for each control, I made this helper library that wraps around the Windows API and makes it fast and easy to develop simple GUI applications on Windows platform.

Example code:

#include "win32gui.h"

Form *form;
Label* caption;

ComboBox *cb;
TextBox *txt_proxy;

Button *btn_enable;
Button *btn_disable;

void btnEnableHandler(int code, void *extra){
	MessageBox(0, "Button was clicked!", L"caption", 0);

int _main(){
	Application app;

	// give us a form with everything except maximize box
	form = new Form(L"IE Proxy Switcher", WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW ^ WS_MAXIMIZEBOX);
	form->setSize(300, 220);

	HICON icon = LoadIcon(GetModuleHandle(NULL), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_ICON1));

	caption = new Label(L"Nova Proxy Switcher v1.1", form);
	caption->setPosition(50, 20);
	caption->setSize(300, 30);

	caption->setFont(L"Arial", 20, true);

	cb = new ComboBox(form);
	cb->setSize(250, 50);
	cb->setPosition(10, 60);
	//cb->CommandHandler = cbHandler;

	cb->addItem(L"Direct Connection - No Proxy");
	cb->addItem(L"Proxy Auto-Config URL");
	cb->addItem(L"Proxy Server - manual");

	txt_proxy = new TextBox(L"", form);
	txt_proxy->setPosition(10, 90);
	txt_proxy->setSize(220, 22);
	//txt_proxy->CommandHandler = textHandler;

	btn_enable = new Button(L"Enable Proxy", form);
	btn_enable->setPosition(10, 120);
	btn_enable->setSize(100, 25);
	btn_enable->CommandHandler = btnEnableHandler;

	btn_disable = new Button(L"Disable Proxy", form);
	btn_disable->setPosition(120, 120);
	btn_disable->setSize(100, 25);

	return 0;

