php-proxy copied to clipboard
Possible improvement for proxify_url()
Instead of doing all the checks for magnet:
or data:
inside each function on ProxifyPlugin.php
private function html_src($matches){
if(stripos(trim($matches[2]), 'data:') === 0){
return $matches[0];
return str_replace($matches[2], proxify_url($matches[2], $this->base_url), $matches[0]);
private function css_url($matches){
$url = trim($matches[1]);
if(stripos($url, 'data:') === 0){
return $matches[0];
return str_replace($matches[1], proxify_url($matches[1], $this->base_url), $matches[0]);
We could integrate all of them directly inside proxify_url()
function, example taken from Glype:
function proxyURL($url, $givenFlag = false) {
global $CONFIG, $options, $bitfield, $flag;
# Remove excess whitespace
$url = trim($url);
# check for binary images
if (stripos($url,'data:image')===0) {
return $url;
# handle javascript
if (stripos($url,'javascript:')===0 || stripos($url,'livescript:')===0) {
return '';
# Validate the input
if ( empty($url) || $url[0]=='#' || $url=='about:' || stripos($url,'data:')===0 || stripos($url,'file:')===0 || stripos($url,'res:')===0 || stripos($url,'C:')===0 || strpos($url, GLYPE_BROWSE)===0 ) {
return '';
# Extract any #anchor since we don't want to encode that
if ( $tmp = strpos($url, '#') ) {
$anchor = substr($url, $tmp);
$url = substr($url, 0, $tmp);
} else {
$anchor = '';
# Convert to absolute URL (if not already)
$url = absoluteURL($url);
# Add encoding
if ( $options['encodeURL'] ) {
# Part of our encoding is to remove HTTP (saves space and helps avoid detection)
$url = substr($url, 4);
# Encrypt
if ( isset($GLOBALS['unique_salt']) ) {
$url = arcfour('encrypt',$GLOBALS['unique_salt'],$url);
# Protect chars that have other meaning in URLs
$url = rawurlencode($url);
# Determine flag to use - $givenFlag is passed into function, $flag
# is global flag currently in use (used here for persisting the frame state)
$addFlag = $givenFlag ? $givenFlag : ( $flag == 'frame' ? 'frame' : '' );
# Return in path info format (only when encoding is on)
if ( $CONFIG['path_info_urls'] && $options['encodeURL'] ) {
return GLYPE_BROWSE . '/' . str_replace('%', '_', chunk_split($url, 8, '/')) . 'b' . $bitfield . '/' . ( $addFlag ? 'f' . $addFlag : '') . $anchor;
# Otherwise, return in 'normal' (query string) format
return GLYPE_BROWSE . '?u=' . $url . '&b=' . $bitfield . ( $addFlag ? '&f=' . $addFlag : '' ) . $anchor;
So then we would rewrite our functions like this (much simpler):
private function css_url($matches){
return str_replace($matches[1], proxify_url($matches[1], $this->base_url), $matches[0]);
private function html_src($matches){
return str_replace($matches[2], proxify_url($matches[2], $this->base_url), $matches[0]);
What do you think?