
Results 38 comments of Aterfax

Note: You can resize these quickly using ImageMagick: `for FILE in *; do convert $FILE -resize 20% resized/$FILE; done;`

I think they could probably be processed and matched but I'd have to take a look into the NATO SIDCs to see what goes where - I'll keep you posted.

Can you not place your own CA cert into `/etc/ssl/certs/ ` via a bind mount? I'm not sure if Uptime Kuma itself as part of the upstart process will call...

> > Can you not place your own CA cert into `/etc/ssl/certs/ ` via a bind mount? I'm not sure if Uptime Kuma itself as part of the upstart process...

Setting a valid CA cert appears to have been handled in this thread:

> so for my problem with homebridge (via node.js) the solution was simple. In the config of homebridge I just changed the path to `cert.pem` to `fullchain.pem`. In the case...

+1 from me. i.e. could be implemented as: `http://x.x.x.x:5005/?q=mysearchterm`

Unfortunately I don't have any experience with TypeScript and very little with Javascript. In terms of determining the platforms you can probably get away with cribbing from `/etc/issue` in a...

Snip: ``` > [email protected] postinstall /home/runner/work/upptime/upptime/site/node_modules/cypress > node index.js --exec install internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:905 throw err; ^ Error: Cannot find module 'har-validator' ``` This may get fixed upstream before long.