Prismatik-plugins copied to clipboard
Plugin error
Here you can control all installed plugins that are in the Prismatik profile directory: C:\Documents and Settings\Atarity\Prismatik\Plugins (Windows)
Do i need to create a new user to make the plugins work? I guess not, so that's just a typo.
So after placing the plugins into the right place, inside Prismatik(5.10.4) they show up as 'Error's.
Win7 x64
I have the same issue.
I've looked in the logs and the plugins are being found and their names read correctly, but there are not errors present in the log, they all just show up as "Error" in Prismatik and I'm unable to do anything with them.
Same problem in Mac OSX lion. I executed the script from term and obtained a problem importing baseplugin module. I think it could be the same issue you are having. Try to do the same test to check. Where can We find this module?
Having the same issue on Mavericks.
Do you have any logs? They are in <home>/Prismatik/Logs
on Windows, or in <home>/.Prismatik/Logs
on Mac OS X.
Same issue, also on Mavericks. Here are the full logs:
Exactly the same problem on Maverics.
Also having the same problem, logs:
To resolve this, you'll need to do the following - I'll use the GmailChecker as an example:
First, download and install Python for your OS ( - or use your repo-manager YaST, YaST2 etc.) I've installed everything as default.
- Go to the folder where you have the plugin:
\Prismatik\Plugins\GmailChecker (in the case of Windows) Create a file called GmailChecker.ini Copy/Paste the following:
[Main] Name=GmailChecker Execute=C:/Python27/python.exe Icon=icon.png Author=tim Version=0.1 Description=GmailChecker
Save and close the file, and refresh the Plugins within Prismatik (or just restart it)
Please note that the path Execute=C:/Python27/python.exe needs to point towards your install path of Python.
You'll notice that the animate plugin then works - however, I haven't yet figured out how to get the configuration/settings page to load up for the plugins. BUT at least the plugins now are initialized and started.
Hope this helps!
The Plugins not work
It seems that baseplugin is missing?
I downloaded the Prismatik software and the animate plugin seemed to be pre-installed. I checked the box to enable it... now what? I realize this might be a very stupid question but I haven't noticed any other options appear in the settings window nor any thing else appear in the windows bar or program files tree...
have the same issue
problem has detected 23 Jan but still uncorrected? not you ashamed?
Hi @fixed77 and @askeeve
Have you installed Python as I listed in my message above? That seems to be a required part that needs to get done.
If you have, please let me know as well. If not, install it and try it then.
Apologies for the slow reply, seems I missed the notification here (woops!)
Please note: I am not a developer or anything, just trying to help :)