astroui icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
astroui copied to clipboard

UI Configuration Engine built for AstroNvim

🎨 AstroUI

AstroUI provides a simple API for configuring and setting up the user interface in AstroNvim.

✨ Features

  • Unified interface for configuring icons (with and without Nerd Fonts)
  • Easily modify highlight groups of any and all colorschemes
  • An extensive status API for building custom status lines (Relies on astrocore)

⚡️ Requirements

📦 Installation

Install the plugin with your plugin manager of choice:


  lazy = false, -- disable lazy loading
  priority = 10000, -- load AstroUI first
  opts = {
    -- set configuration options  as described below



  -- set configuration options  as described below

⚙️ Configuration

AstroUI comes with the no defaults, but can be configured fully through the opts table in lazy or through calling require("astroui").setup({}). Here are descriptions of the options and some example usages:

---@type AstroUIConfig
  -- Colorscheme set on startup, a string that is used with `:colorscheme astrodark`
  colorscheme = "astrodark",
  -- Override highlights in any colorscheme
  -- Keys can be:
  --   `init`: table of highlights to apply to all colorschemes
  --   `<colorscheme_name>` override highlights in the colorscheme with name: `<colorscheme_name>`
  highlights = {
    -- this table overrides highlights in all colorschemes
    init = {
      Normal = { bg = "#000000" },
    -- a table of overrides/changes when applying astrotheme
    astrotheme = {
      Normal = { bg = "#000000" },
  -- A table of icons in the UI using NERD fonts
  icons = {
    GitAdd = "",
  -- A table of only text "icons" used when icons are disabled
  text_icons = {
    GitAdd = "[+]",
  -- Configuration options for the AstroNvim lines and bars built with the `status` API.
  status = {
    -- Configure attributes of components defined in the `status` API. Check the AstroNvim documentation for a complete list of color names, this applies to colors that have `_fg` and/or `_bg` names with the suffix removed (ex. `git_branch_fg` as attributes from `git_branch`).
    attributes = {
      git_branch = { bold = true },
    -- Configure colors of components defined in the `status` API. Check the AstroNvim documentation for a complete list of color names.
    colors = {
      git_branch_fg = "#ABCDEF",
    -- Configure which icons that are highlighted based on context
    icon_highlights = {
      -- enable or disable breadcrumb icon highlighting
      breadcrumbs = false,
      -- Enable or disable the highlighting of filetype icons both in the statusline and tabline
      file_icon = {
        tabline = function(self) return self.is_active or self.is_visible end,
        statusline = true,
    -- Configure characters used as separators for various elements
    separators = {
      none = { "", "" },
      left = { "", "  " },
      right = { "  ", "" },
      center = { "  ", "  " },
      tab = { "", "" },
      breadcrumbs = "  ",
      path = "  ",


AstroUI provides a Lua API with utility functions. This can be viewed with :h astroui or in the repository at doc/

🚀 Contributing

If you plan to contribute, please check the contribution guidelines first.