astralprotocol copied to clipboard
To create decentralized applications that leverage spatial data and location information, we need to be able to store and access spatial data in ways that ensure it is simple and reliable for Web3 dev...
## 💬 Description On attestation availability, map displays attestation coordinate with a pin. ## 🗞️ Context EAS MVP. #80, #87. ## 🏗️ TO-DO (tasks or sub-issues) - [ ] Read...
## 📘 Story (required for top level issues pls) Create static zones layer of polygones and display on map ## 💬 Description A clear and concise description of what you...
## 💬 Description Add EAS graphql provider to EAS provider component to read multiple attestations ## 🗞️ Context eas mvp ## 🏗️ TO-DO (tasks or sub-issues) - [ ] -...
## 💬 Description On calling "Attest" method, UI should display indication to user throughout the tx lifecycle. Waiting to sign; processing tx - wait to tx finality and availability on...
- [ ] Confirm co-chair at OGC - [ ] Ask him to be a listed advisor of Astral - [ ] Specify how we can support in the coming...
- [ ] set up tx
**Tasks** - [ ] ... **Please Note the fields to the right_** - [ ] I've selected a milestone or created one. - [ ] I've set a suggested priority....
notion db: