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AsteroidOSSync copied to clipboard

Android 11 Compatibility

Open jrtberlin opened this issue 4 years ago • 2 comments

Google published the last beta before the official Android 11 release. We should make sure the app runs as intended on Android 11 until the release (probably early next month).

The Android 11 (SDK 30) changes can be split into two categories:

1. Changes affecting every app This affects Sync immediately after Android 11 release so we should focus on these changes first, The good thing is that most changes do not affect Sync.

2. Changes affecting apps with build-target set to Android 11 (SDK 30) At some point we have to increase our build target. When we do this the following changes can affect us and we should verify we handle these correctly.

I don't own a Device with an Android 11 beta and the emulator does not support Bluetooth LE. If you are an Android 11 beta user please share your feedback and Android 11 related issues below.

jrtberlin avatar Aug 15 '20 20:08 jrtberlin

Currently it works fine on my Pixel 4 with Android 11 Beta 3 (RPB3.200720.005), no issues detected so far

LittleFox94 avatar Aug 15 '20 21:08 LittleFox94

It appears we do not use non-SDK APIs

0 hidden API(s) used: 0 linked against, 0 through reflection
        0 in greylist
        0 in blacklist
        0 in greylist-max-o
        0 in greylist-max-p
        0 in greylist-max-q

jrtberlin avatar Aug 25 '20 19:08 jrtberlin