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[Snyk] Upgrade ethers from 5.6.0 to 5.6.4
This PR was automatically created by Snyk using the credentials of a real user.
Snyk has created this PR to upgrade ethers from 5.6.0 to 5.6.4.
:information_source: Keep your dependencies up-to-date. This makes it easier to fix existing vulnerabilities and to more quickly identify and fix newly disclosed vulnerabilities when they affect your project.
- The recommended version is 4 versions ahead of your current version.
- The recommended version was released a month ago, on 2022-04-14.
Release notes
Package name: ethers
5.6.4 - 2022-04-14
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5.6.3 - 2022-04-13
- Mimic Hardhard error strings in CALL_EXCEPTION for popular matchers. (#2849, #2862; dab6ede)
- Fix pocket API key not being passed in for default provider. (#2890; 056d7c8)
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5.6.2 - 2022-03-26
- Fixed left-padding in arrayify. (#2833; e192903)
- More robust JSON-RPC error handling for reverted executions. (#2603; 9d9b14b)
- Added IPNS support for ENS contenthash. (e70f3fe)
- Added initial AnkrProvider (96de581)
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<script type="text/javascript" integrity="sha384-qs2vsqAFA8HemUN26W9rQk9FbPhRSx8Nom/DUpdKIyoiRhE5KX9hPgWhX5X4baBB" crossorigin="anonymous" src=""> </script>
5.6.1 - 2022-03-16
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5.6.0 - 2022-03-10
- Tweaked test case to re-order transaction after event listeners added. (fa4a290)
- Ignore errors when resolving ENS resolver properties. (d160bac)
- Enable CCIP Read for ENS resolvers. (#2478; be518c3)
- Fix missing events on certain network conditions. (#1798, #1814, #1830, #2274, #2652; f67a9a8, f46aa75)
- Added defaultProvider option to omit specific Providers. (bae215e)
- Add support for pending blocks. (#2225; 54e6e57)
- Help URLs for errors. (#2489; 38e825c, c562150)
- Added CCIP support to (#2478; ae23bb7)
- Adjust default maxPriorityFeePerGas to 1.5 gwei. (33a029e)
- Fix contracts when name resolution fails without any checks. (#2737; c2a6a01)
- Preserve explicit chainId in JsonRpcProvider during transaction serialization. (#2691; 6807a76)
- Fixed eth_chainId response for Eip1193Bridge. (#2711; 5f26fd5)
- Remove spurious console.log from Interface. (#2714; 4e8f004)
- Allow raw WebSocket to be passed into WebSocketProvider. (#2562, #2644; 9aac785)
- Added Cloudflare Worker support. (#1886; 2d98b4f, 1651389)
- Add support for EIP-2098 compact signatures. (#2246; f26074b)
- Add EIP-2544 Wildcard support. (#2477, #2582, #2583; 83891f9)
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<script type="text/javascript" integrity="sha384-9yTnv56yzVfnTq5ivTdc/x0dgp+W1JPRborbGbrr8lAvXBP/W83A08rvYb2hIs6O" crossorigin="anonymous" src=""> </script>
Commit messages
Package name: ethers
- 7bc9c6b admin: updated dist files
- 0855d6e Support new OpenEthereum NONCE_EXPIRED string (#2845, #2846).
- 948f770 admin: fixed update scripts to not conflict with reticulate used in v6
- 9e57e71 admin: updated dist files.
- dab6ede Mimic Hardhard error strings in CALL_EXCEPTION for popular matchers (#2849, #2862).
- 1f6c0ab admin: Added more environment options to bug issue to help identify network.
- 056d7c8 Fix pocket API key not being passed in for default provider (#2890).
- 47c4114 admin: added issue template for v6 beta
- ef1b28e admin: updated dist files
- e192903 Fixed left-padding in arrayify (#2833).
- 9d9b14b More robust JSON-RPC error handling for reverted executions (#2603).
- bc400c7 admin: updated spell-check dictionary
- 120dcd0 admin: added enhancement tag for feature request issues.
- 04f7a9f admin: updated dist files.
- e70f3fe Added IPNS support for ENS contenthash.
- ef529dc admin: updated issue templates
- 9f0967f admin: updated issue forms
- 774c310 admin: updated issue templates
- 21fae9f admin: updating issue templates
- ce85a7e admin: updated issue form for bugs
- 7c4a908 admin: updated issue form for bugs
- 7becc93 admin: update issue template
- 540a670 admin: updated spell-check dictionary
- ab628c2 admin: updated dist files
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