5e-monsters copied to clipboard
Error generating a deadly encounter for 120 level 20 players
When there is a large XP requirement for generating an encounter, the following error is thrown:
(anonymous) @ angular.js:14110
angular.js:14110 TypeError: Cannot read property 'exp' of undefined
at getBestMonster (app-7de1c12eba.js:2715)
at Object.getRandomEncounter (app-7de1c12eba.js:2653)
at Object.generateRandom (app-7de1c12eba.js:1834)
at CurrentEncounterController.generateRandom (app-7de1c12eba.js:373)
at fn (eval at compile (angular.js:15033), <anonymous>:4:264)
at expensiveCheckFn (angular.js:16123)
at callback (angular.js:26490)
at Scope.$eval (angular.js:17913)
at Scope.$apply (angular.js:18013)
at HTMLButtonElement.<anonymous> (angular.js:26495)
@Asmor RollIt
So, this feels like an extreme edge case for using the tool, but just to give everyone a concept of the level of encounter here:
Using the DMG encounter building math (which isn't always the best math, but it's what we have) the Total Party's XP Threshold for this encounter would be: 1,524,000. This is before any modifiers would be applied to account for the insane number of inputs to the action economy in this calculation.
I'm quite sure this is slamming well past any level of rigorous testing and balancing of the core rules. Correctly building an encounter at army-scale isn't the purpose of the encounter building mechanics.
I agree this should be fixed, I guess I'm just hoping this isn't more than a toy test case. 😊
The first thing that comes to mind to approach this budget is a handful of Terrasques at 115k XP each. But remember, if in that 120 there happens to be at least a few casters with Wish... There's no actual way to balance the encounter. 😉
I have no intention of addressing this. Leaving it open in case anyone else cares enough to deal with it.
I don't think that's an unreasonable approach.