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Asch command line interface and dapp sdk/template inbuilt
Asch Client
A command line interface for bootstrapping and managing Asch blockchain apps.
由于依赖的inquirer模块在低版本node下存在bug 最新的dapps系列子命令要求node版本号为v8.4.0以上
npm install -g asch-cli
如在某些Linux发行版运行 asch-cli 报类似错“/usr/bin/env: ‘node’: No such file or directory”,即node版本过低或缺少node,可先执行:
npm install -g n
n stable
./bin/asch-cli --help
Usage: asch-cli [options] [command]
getheight get block height
getblockstatus get block status
openaccount [secret] open your account and get the infomation by secret
openaccountbypublickey [publickey] open your account and get the infomation by publickey
getbalance [address] get balance by address
getaccount [address] get account by address
getvoteddelegates [options] [address] get delegates voted by address
getdelegatescount get delegates count
getdelegates [options] get delegates
getvoters [publicKey] get voters of a delegate by public key
getdelegatebypublickey [publicKey] get delegate by public key
getdelegatebyusername [username] get delegate by username
getblocks [options] get blocks
getblockbyid [id] get block by id
getblockbyheight [height] get block by height
getpeers [options] get peers
getunconfirmedtransactions [options] get unconfirmed transactions
gettransactions [options] get transactions
gettransaction [id] get transactions
sendmoney [options] send money to some address
registerdelegate [options] register delegate
upvote [options] vote for delegates
downvote [options] cancel vote for delegates
setsecondsecret [options] set second secret
registerdapp [options] register a dapp
contract [options] contract operations
crypto [options] crypto operations
dapps [options] manage your dapps
creategenesis [options] create genesis block
peerstat analyze block height of all peers
delegatestat analyze delegates status
ipstat analyze peer ip info
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
-H, --host <host> Specify the hostname or ip of the node, default:
-P, --port <port> Specify the port of the node, default: 4096
-M, --main Specify the mainnet, default: false